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巴塞罗那制药公司公共空间设计丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨Twobo arquitectura

2022/12/26 10:21:55
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巴塞罗那制药公司公共空间设计丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨Twobo arquitectura-1
A pharmaceutical company based in Sant Cugat wanted a project to connect different buildings together through their respective lower levels, in an attempt to transform this space into a Hall, a Foyer and an Auditorium.
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In architecture, you often hear that empty space should be defined by what’s built in it, nothing more, nothing less. The empty space was already built, naked, and we became tailors instead of architects. From the measurements of the naked body (waistline, hips, the way the shoulders fall down) a tailor reimagines the body in fabrics. Rediscovering it through imagination and covering it with tangible shapes, all in the same effort.
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朝着这种概念发展设计,弧形立面尽可能保持干净无装饰,给人一种无尽的延伸感。院子里的装置就像缝错位置、被剪出来做成上衣抵肩(套在肩膀和脖颈外围一圈)的碎布。所有不同的混凝土柱都穿上了量身定做的成衣,让建筑师记起芬兰现代建筑师阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)大学项目简洁宽敞的空间元素。泰罗尼亚风格的拱顶天花板将所有东西与柱子紧密相连。弧形的木墙适应了流通空间,使人们在它周围穿梭流动,就像风往上吹起再翩然飘落的裙子。最后背景中蓝色的落地帷幔宛若衬裙般点缀着空间。
With this attitude, the curved facade was redrawn as cleanly as possible to turn it into a gesture that runs from one end to the other. The installations in the patio, like misplaced scraps of cloth, were removed to make a yoke out of it, like a frame that fits over the shoulders and neck of someone. All the different concrete pillars were dressed with tailor-made pieces that remind us of Alvar Aaltos’ clean and ample spaces in his big universities. The ceilings were bulged up with a mantle of Catalan-style vaults to connect everything coherently with the pillars. The wood walls were curved, making people flow around them like the wind on a dress that falls free, top to bottom. Last but not least, blue; a big curtain in the background acts as a petticoat. 
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Like accessories to a dress, we placed jewels with personality here and there to make the place human, even in the absence of people: a slim sinuous handrail, some large and thin pillars dressed for the occasion, a corten staircase that goes up the middle of the patio, a sun (yes, like the Sun) hidden in a bathroom. All of these set the mood for the main piece of the project.
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An auditorium for 380 people. The wood on the walls act as a socle that encircles the room downhill next to the seat rows, giving warmth and texture to the opened hands of whomever walks down that runway. In opposition to the wood, the ceiling floats in white waves similar to fabric that moves up alongside light and sound. This will become the backdrop to the companys’ big events.
建筑师: Twobo arquitectura
面积 : 1900 m²
项目年份 : 2022
摄影师 :José Hevia
主创建筑师 : Pablo Twose
总承包商 : FCC
工程师 : INDUUS
City : Sant Cugat del Vallès
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