Architect:OMY DESIGN
Location:Giv'atayim, Israel
Project Year:2022
A sweet & sour, savory & spicy candy store for all ages. We wanted the store experience to be joyful & playful, we did that by using saturated colors for the façade and our wall coverings inside. We wanted to maximize selling zones so we used our ceiling as our "power wall". Each store has a different element on its ceiling, making that store unique and recognizable.
A happy colorful store that emphasizes the verity of the products
Well, the clients are father and son that started this company all by themselves without any retail background. They saw an opportunity and went for it, and they are succeeding big time with 10 store built and counting.
We met the clients at first after they have had a few stores already built, after the logo and graphic language was established, but not complete, not harmonized. Our challenge was to integrate these design features all together, from the store design to its graphic design.
We wanted to take the brand Identity into a united place by keeping it simple. Our facades are designed with different shapes and colors that define each store location. All colors are tasty yummy edible colors, and all shapes have a round curvy contour to them - elements that talk about fun. friendly, young values. Each store has a different wow element on the ceiling that defines that specific store. We paired a branding team in order to redesign the brand identity and language.