南非开普敦保时捷工作室 · 创新都市零售概念

2019/11/28 11:46:30
Location:Cape Town, South Africa; | ;
Project Year:2018
To create a unique retail concept with global impact that answers the challenges posed by todays rapidly changing consumer behaviour, specifically in the automotive sector. The traditional Porsche Centres mostly located far from the inner city, are in need of metropolitan city touch-points to find new ways of reaching and connecting with their customers. So the showrooms need to become a fascinating, elegant and attractive urban drop in point.
Showing aesthetic confidence and creating a shopping landmark is key. Positioned within the retail hotspots of the world, the Porsche Studio comfortably sits next to e.g. Givenchy, Prada, Louis Vuitton and the likes.
Porsche’s precision, dynamics & uncompromising engineering are expressed in an over-arching constructive grid. A two-dimensional pattern is the underlying principle of the retail design and wraps itself round the space to form a three-dimensional matrix.
A bright tunnel of product glorification and an animated atmosphere rewards the visitor when entering. A large LED screen pulsates localized moving imagery into the setting and adds a dynamic sensation, enhanced by a reflecting ceiling and multiplied by semi-opaque glass fins. The stage is framed by adjacent darker boxes containing various special feature areas and interaction points.
Porsche Studios are special locations crafted to stage encounters and engage the customer of today and tomorrow: a multi-channel and diverse community of fans, friends, followers and prospects with a multitude of areas for positive brand engagement and feedback.
Porsche Studios offer a distinctive center stage for the vehicle, positively connecting with the city, its people and their preferred communication platforms and media. The relationship with the customer is strengthened by letting them sense the richness of the brand – through visual, tactile, digital and virtual multi-sensory channels.
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