


Firm: Office of Architecture in Barcelona BAD. Built by Associative Data
Type: Commercial › Bank Office Retail
STATUS: Under Construction
SIZE: 10,000 sqft - 25,000 sqft
BUDGET: Undisclosed
The project is a collaboration between BAD and OAB (Office of Architecture in Barcelona).
One Independence Square is a 8,000 m2 landmark office development in the Central District of Beirut, situated at the northern edge of a major historic and civic space in the city. The building marks a historic city axis and forms part of a general regeneration of the cities central district. Formed as a glowing floating lantern, a beacon of light, framed and supported by stone clad arches the building is a counterpart to the new museum to the south of the square. Eight floors of flexible office accommodation rest on glazed retail units with a central public ramp connecting the square with the main lobby space. A generous roof terrace affords panoramic views of the city and the sea.