


Firm: /LAM
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center Retail Showroom Cultural › Cultural Center Gallery Hospitality + Sport › Information Center
YEAR: 2014
Photos: Pepe fotografia (5)
Exhibition space designed for Operæ - Independent Design Festival, a key annual event for Italy’s design world.
This year’s edition, “the explore edition”, was held at Torino Esposizioni, a magnificent pavilion designed in 1938 by Ettore Sottsass and built thanks to the genius of Pierluigi Nervi.
This amazing building is sadly left empty since 2006 when was last used as a training facility for the XX Winter Olympic Games.
The design: At the entrance the mesmerising effect of structural concrete ribs is amplified by a black narrow tunnel entrance that rooms the ticket counter and let visitors in the huge exposition space.
The central meeting space is characterised by a wallpaper referring to the Explore theme, big white walls dividing the space are branded with names of expositors, from the scaffold beams hang down cardboard animals.
Exhibit Design /LAM
project: Luca Macrì
collaborators: Sangeun Lee, Ilenia Rubino
Identity and graphic design
P E P E fotografia