


Firm: OFFICINA DI ARCHITETTURA progettazione&design
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center Cultural › Cultural Center Hall/Theater Museum Educational › Auditorium Library Government + Health › Community Center Landscape + Planning › Public Park Urban Green Space
STATUS: Concept
Design for the House of Fairytales start from idea about want to take advantage of all the existing area to urban park, available after the demolition of the existing complex. Therefore, it was compiut an "urban manipulation" in several steps . Through an ideal cutting of urban - tissue has been identified the form of new complex. Later, this patch has been raised (bending operation) and modeled (folding and cutting operations) in order to achieve in continuity with the existing park ( Lozen Park) a new overhead urban area. In generated underlying volume was added new Andersen Museum.
The complex, by a remodeling at urban scale, take a part of the urban webbing with continuity offering a total area dedicated to green and urban park (Lozen Park) completely accessible, which offers a 360-degree view to the city and new attractive and socialization facilities for the comunity. Principal volume of new museum although articulated is seated in the skyline and through visible - game connections and views (skylights and patio) allows a constant dialogue between interior and exterior , offering visitors the opportunity to a new museum's experience.
The House of FairyTales develops through a spiral knowledge - path to discover the figure of Andersen, on two levels (groundfloor and level -4.40). The entrance is marked by a promenade marked by large wedge glass which provides a constant relationship with the Lozen Park. Inside overlook all the main services (ticket and info point, administration, toilet). Passed the entrance leads to the sectors that characterize museum that developed into 4 main areas. The first two relate to the historic and storical and artistic period where Andersen was born (The Age). Follows the area dedicated to the Artist (Childhood and Social Context). In this part of museum are incorporate the four buildings preserved ( two townhouse, birthplace and memorial hall). The main idea was to create an open environment (evoking the feeling of being outside) creating a winter garden consists of a oasis on which rest the existing buildings, featuring flagstone path and stone seats. The feeling is to be in an urban micropark.
Continuing we find a nestled small auditorium that anticipates the central and largest area characterized the Andersen's Works. On two levels this area concludes the museum route which after a filter service allows access to the large Library. This is a double volume space which there are multiple environments service like a bookshop and café. This whole area is fully accessible independently of the museum through a directly connection from the entrance to the museum. From here it is possible to perceive Library space through a overlooking gallery.
The whole museum is punctuated by skylights and patios that welcome Andersen's papercut sculptures illuminated by natural lighting. The external system consists of the Lozen Park and the urban park in roof top, is marked by two main routes that connect the area with the remaining tissue from north to south and from east to west. In the southwest part is created a large new square (Andersen square) where you can get an overview on the complex.Project relies on the infrastructure system project (light railway and cycleway) not changing its path so try to fit in the guidelines of the master plan