


Architect:Mimosa Architekti
Location:Liberec, Czechia; | ;
Project Year:2019
In case two people meet one another, it is the place, where they can go to have a beer together.
An experienced brewmaster, who want to try running his own tavern and an entrepreneurial brewer in need of a new pub. The two men met each other at the correct place and at the correct time having their common vision of the direct relation and affinity of modern tap systems and gastronomy to the best environment of classical pubs, particularly if such pub is to be located in the house of eclectic style hidden behind the town hall of Liberec.
The simple treatment of space highlights the original vaults, generous show windows and newly added dominant elements. The view of every person is attracted towards the beer tap console positioned at the space front. The foldable seats, curtain, elevated stage and lights controlled by the tapster refer both to the theatre building found at the opposite side of the street as well as to the system of pub hierarchy, in which the tap console represents both conductor’s music stand and the altar.
One’s impression of its austere but sufficient furniture has been refined using fillets, haunches and reliefs added “in a New Age way”. The inert stainless steel which the beer tap console is made counterbalances the wooden tables, theatre seats and chairs worn by their frequent use in the past. Green coats of walls and floors will resist well to beer spilled down to them from time to time in the course of fierce debates concerning the sense of the universe.
All is subordinated to the only intention – to savour a beer to the full, notwithstanding whether with friends or accidental mess-mates.
So cheers!