


Architect:Philippe Gazeau
Location:Massy, France
Project Year:2015
« BRIO » is installed on a triangular piece. This characteristic of small island at three sides imposes a strong treatment of the three angles resulting from the particular geometry of the ground. The undulation continues its frontage confers on the project a singulat silhouette which compared to any other, making difficult the reading of its true scale compared to the joint buildings, whereas its soft and fluid forms attract and accommodate the visitor. This specific geometrical configuration of the made general volumetry of inflection in hollow of the frontages causing an obvious development of the three angles of the new building. This volumetric work associates the urban ambitions of the project with the objectives of environmental performance. The contribution of a maximum of natural light is obtained by the form of the plan which optimizes the interior distribution, thus making profit all the working rooms of the natural light. The form of the plan improves the energy performances of the building and the treatment of the frontages acted on the passive and active protection of the interior workspaces. The presence of the vertical metal blades perforated on the corrugated frontage creates a kinetic visual effect marking the context, thus proposing an image at the same time gravitational and surprising, reactive with its close and remote context.