

Shanghai Arete Bilingual Kindergarten is located in Anting New Town, Jiading District, Shanghai. As it is planned as the German theme area during the “One City and Nine Towns” period, the whole area is bounded by water system, and filled with typical europe enclosed blocks with typical German style: residential buildings with German sloping roofs, and public buildings with modern flat roofs.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view
The project is located at the entrance of the whole new town. The original three buildings are enclosed with each other, together with the property management houses, they form an inward enclosed courtyard. At the same time, the south side of the building faces the natural water. These building has been used as a sales office, hotel, training base and other functions in the past decade. The internal space and layout is slightly changed according the functions. This time needs to renovate this building into a high standard kindergarten.
▼改造前,before renovation
建筑现状呈现为围合式布局,场地内生长着高大茂密的树木、尺度宜人的草坡以及一条直通水面的下沉广场。设计尊重现有的建筑布局,以一条直径 35 米的圆环布置于庭院中央,构成一个向心的、独特的空间场所。这个圆环在联系三栋主楼的同时,还向外延展至入口区域以及户外运动场地,为孩子提供了一个遮风挡雨的廊下空间。
▼概念分析,concept analysis
Three buildings are enclosed layout, with tall and dense trees, green slopes with good scales and a sunken square directly towards the water. According to the existing architectural layout, we design a 35 meters diameter circle in the center of the courtyard, forming a centripetal and unique space. This ring connects the three main buildings, extends to the entrance area and outdoor sports field. It provides a safe corridor space for children from the wind and rain.
▼内院航拍,aerial view of the ring
▼内院透视,the courtyard
The corridor structure system makes full use of the characteristics of the circle, optimizes the traditional double-row column support structure into the single-row column structure of the outer circle, and forms a stable structure system by slightly lifting the central part of the roof. The internal courtyard is integrated with the corridor space. The whole corridor goes through the square and woods, providing a safe and unobstructed space for children’s activities, allowing them to run, chase and grow freely.
▼廊道结构分析,corridor structure analysis
▼内部庭院视角的廊道透视,view of the corridor from the inner courtyard
▼广场视角的廊道透视,view of the corridor from the square
The original facade is red brick texture paint. We update the whole external insulation. According to the original facade window opening, we design a new facade with white wall and light brown paint in it.
▼街道外观,exterior view along the street
▼中庭轴测图,the atrium isometric drawing
The exsiting atrium brings the sunlight into the building, but a little bit ordinary. In order to create a dynamic core for children, we inplant a complex facility of stairs, platforms, slides and climbing nets in the atrium: it create a public transportation system for children up and down, and constructe a multiple layers of space for children’s activities, recreation and observation.
▼中庭,the atrium
▼集合楼梯、平台、滑梯、攀爬网的综合设施,a complex facility of stairs, platforms, slides and climbing nets
We arrange different types of activities in different areas: the central courtyard uses wood deck to level the original sunken square, which can ensure the children’s safety; the southeast part is covered with plastic for children’s sports activities; the southwest part makes full use of the existing natural pond to create a wetland system, which combines the kindergarten natural exploration class to give children the most unique growth experience.
▼中心庭院,the central courtyard
▼运动场地,the sports field
▼湿地公园,the wetland
项目跨越了三年的疫情:2019 年通过一个小型的竞赛赢得项目;项目设计、施工期间经历了封控,开始招生的时候迎来了疫情放开。希望这个小小的幼儿园能够在未来为更多的孩子留下一个独特而美好的童年。
The project has crossed the three years epidemic: in 2019 years, we get this project in a small scale competition; during the design and construction, encountered the big lockdown; at the beginning of enrollment, epidemic control is open. Hoping this small kindergarten will give more children a unique and beautiful memory.
▼入口广场及防疫设施,entrance plaza & epidemic facilities
▼竞赛阶段模型,model shot
▼总体轴测图,overall axonometric drawing
▼总平面图,master plan
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
▼三层平面图,third floor plan
设计团队:王坚锋、Nico Willy Leferink、杨艺、张涛、王荣
Project Name: Shanghai Arete Bilingual Kindergarten
Project Location: Anting New Town, Jiading District, Shanghai
Project Client: Shanghai Arete Bilingual School
Project Design: FMD
Design Team: Wang Jianfeng, Nico Willy Leferink, Yang Yi, Wang Rong, Zhang Tao
Landscape Consultation: Lynn Zhang
Construction Design: BH Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
Structure Consultation: Sun Jungang
Design Year: 2019.10
Completion: 2022.09
Building area: 680㎡
Photography: Octopus photography