在五年的时间里,历经数次的方案试验,Chris Briffa建筑师事务所最终完成了这一座既可被认为是一次建筑实践,同时又能作为住所的建筑。该项目将作为建筑师的住所及工作室,在城市历史街区的环境中,保留下独特的身份特征,同时可满足现代居所的多样化需求。
Chris Briffa Architects’ Studio devised a design for a building that would function as both architectural practise and domicile. Over five years, with myriad concept permutations, the structure was transformed into the architects’ home and studio, retaining distinct identities and addressing diverse needs, within the confines of an urban, historic neighbourhood.
▼项目概览,Overview of the project
While the lower levels embrace the existing structure and features, the penthouse is a contemporary counterpart, defined by contrasts between soft and hard materials, light and shade, solids and voids.
▼项目外立面及材料近景,Facade and detailed view of the materials
The new extension sits on two pre-cast concrete beams, which shift the entire weight of the penthouse onto the side party-walls, thus freeing the house from any additional load.
▼扩建的顶层公寓,The new extension of the penthouse
The penthouse above the bustle of the street feels expansive, liberating. The folding living room doors pack up in a steel-unit which blurs the line between interior and exterior. Natural light fills the entire space from every wall, foliage and trees frame the roof top views, with both harbours beyond.
▼客厅,Living room
▼从客厅望向露台,View from the living room to the terrace
▼客厅空间,Living area
▼从客厅望向厨房,View from the living room to the kitchen
▼工作室空间,The studio
▼主卧内景,The master room
▼主卧浴室空间,The bathroom inside the master room
▼主卧露台,Terrace outside the masteroom
▼电梯间及客用洗手间,The elevator hall and guest bathroom
▼项目夜景,Night view of the project
▼项目平面图,Plan of the project
Completion date:2019
Photo credit:Aldo Amoretti
Chris Briffa Architects