知末案例   /   商业空间   /   珠宝店


2019/05/08 12:15:06
Location:Hefei, Anhui, China; | ;
Project Year:2019
This Chow Tai Fook branch in Hefei is our 4th ‘gift box’ shop series. China draws inspiration from ancient Huizhou culture, especially the local ancient architectural features - soft tones, embossed decorations and characteristic eaves - you can see how the designers cleverly scatter these elements throughout the interiors. Moreover, the designers also think that jewelry is often associated with celebrations. It is one of the most popular gifts for newborn, birthday, wedding, festivals, and many key occasions in one’s life. That’s why they also adopt the concept of gift box in the interior design of the shop, illustrating the sense of celebration and joy regardless of presenting or receiving jewelry as a gift.
Overthrowing the cliché of local traditional jewelry shop’s image of gold and shiny, this shop is designed with numerous identical gift boxes of various shades of green, extending from the wall, ceiling, cashier, workshop table, to the groups of display stands in the center of the shop. Upon entering the shop, the customers would feel as if they are standing among piles of gifts, indulging in a space of greenery comfort.
Another highlight of this shop is the unconventional layout that creates a close and interactive space between the staff and customers. Unlike the classic one on one consultation across a long glass display table, the display cabinets are set on both sides and in the center, greatly enhancing the mobility and creating a comfortable shopping experience. The display cabinets are made of glass boxes, in which some are slightly extended out from the two sides along the wall that serve as mini consultation tables. In the center area, various groups of display cabinets are surrounded by green sitting cubes in a casual manner, allowing the customers to sit down and take time in choosing their jewelry. The sitting cubes are made with different fabrics, patterns and shades of green to resemble the magnificent giftwraps.
But the most distinctive feature of this shop must be the huge decorative graphic on the wall, which reveals a pattern of ‘corbiestep’ - this is one of the important features of the Chinese traditional architectural fire wall and the emblem of the Huizhou architecture. The top part of the wall is shaped like a horse's head, that’s how it got its nickname. The back of the pattern is also equipped with a luminous effect to highlight the outline of the building. From a distance, it looks like an art painting with different layers.
Two different shades of green hexagonal marble are used to create the pattern of the floor, which is designed with reference to the 'yingkesong greeting pine’ of Huangshan, China. The eye-catching flooring is very uplifting, and matches with the color scheme of the shop.
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