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Cains 酒厂的蜕变重生

2020/02/10 19:13:54
Location:Liverpool, UK; | ;
Our team at
and the
were delighted to work with the Mikhail Hotel and Leisure Group again on their
This large project has over four phases. Phase one included the third Punch Tarmey’s, the Quarter Hoop and a Brewery Hall – all designed and manufactured by our team at McNally Design and the Irish Pub Company.
Our design team at McNally Design and the Irish Pub Company worked hard to ensure that the Cain’s brand is revitalised in an exciting way, yet at the same time ensuring that the history of both the brand and the listed building were worked into the design in obvious and subliminal ways.
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Cains 酒厂的蜕变重生-15
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