


Firm: Sweeny &Co. Architects
Type: Commercial › Office Retail
STATUS: Under Construction
SIZE: 300,000 sqft - 500,000 sqft
Helping to establish East Bayfront as Toronto’s newest innovation corridor, the Waterfront Innovation Centre is a 475,000 s.f., high performance office building. It is designed to foster innovation and collaboration, to meet the growing demand for more flexible workspaces and to enhance public realm at the Waterfront. Targeting NZE and/or LEED Platinum, this development creates shared amenity extending the public realm into the lower two floors of the buildings and are connected at the second floor with a bridge over the public street. The two buildings step down to the water’s edge with full height glazing and mindful sculpting of the form and terraces at the western edge of the building, the Waterfront Innovation Centre optimizes access to natural daylighting, outdoor open space amenities, uninterrupted views to the lake, and connectivity to the broader Waterfront community.