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柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer

2023/02/01 16:13:38
室内建筑师Irina Kromayer监督了柏林Chateau Royal酒店的设计,创造了一系列不拘一格的空间,参考了德国首都在20世纪初的全盛时期的情况。
Interior architect Irina Kromayer has overseen the design of Berlin's Chateau Royal hotel, creating a series of eclectic spaces that reference the heyday of the German capital at the turn of the 20th century.
拥有93间客房的Chateau Royal酒店位于Mitte的中心,在一条与林蒑大道平行的街道上,靠近标志性的勃兰登堡门。该酒店包括两座1850年和1910年的建筑,以及由David Chipperfield建筑事务所设计的较新建筑和屋顶扩建。
The 93-room Chateau Royal is located in the heart of Mitte, on a street parallel to Unter den Linden boulevard and close to the iconic Brandenburg Gate.The hotel comprises two buildings dating from 1850 and 1910, as well as a newer building and roof extension designed by David Chipperfield Architects.
在瑞士建筑师Etienne Descloux和室内设计师Katariina Minits的支持下,由Kromayer领导的改造项目旨在反映这些被列入遗产名录的建筑所处的时期。橡木镶板、新艺术风格的瓷砖、剑麻地毯以及黄铜和镍的五金件,都是根据柏林历史建筑中常见的装饰材料纳入方案的。
The renovation project, led by Kromayer with support from Swiss architect Etienne Descloux and interior designer Katariina Minits, aims to reflect the periods during which the heritage-listed buildings were constructed.Oak panelling, art nouveau tiles, sisal carpets and hardware in brass and nickel were incorporated into the scheme based on the finishings commonly found in Berlin's historic buildings.
客房的吊灯是与柏林的制造商Loupiotte合作设计的,目的是强调建筑的高天花板。这些灯由日本纸和黄铜制成,是基于20世纪20年代Josef Hoffmann的设计,Josef Hoffmann是维也纳 Werkstatte艺术运动的共同创立者之一。
The pendant lights for the guest rooms were created in collaboration with Berlin-based manufacturer Loupiotte and are intended to emphasise the building's high ceilings.Made from Japanese paper and brass, the lamps are based on a 1920s design from Josef Hoffmann, one of the co-founders of the Wiener Werkstatte art movement.
Built-in joinery found in each of the bedrooms was informed by the partition walls with integrated storage,which are typical of traditional West Berlin apartments.Paintings by early 20th-century artists associated with the expressionist and new objectivity movements influenced the hotel's bold colour scheme, which is applied across surfaces including tiles and upholstery textiles, along with curated artworks.
室内采用了类似于柏林地铁站的彩色釉面砖和瓦片,以及彩色玻璃和彩色大理石。除了包括13间套房和一间公寓在内的客房外,Chateau Royal还设有一个大厅、酒吧、餐厅、私人餐厅、炉边休息室和冬季花园。
The interior features colourful glazed bricks and tiles similar to those found in Berlin's underground stations, as well as stained glass and coloured marble.Alongside its guest rooms, which include 13 suites and an apartment, Chateau Royal also accommodates a lobby, bar, restaurant, private dining room, fireside lounge and winter garden.
酒店的餐厅名为Dottir,采用Bauhaus设计师Erich Dieckmann设计的软垫橡木座椅。包括Karl Holmqvist的霓虹灯作品在内的艺术作品为底层的餐厅带来了个性。
The hotel's restaurant, called Dottir, features upholstered oak seating by Bauhaus designer Erich Dieckmann.Artworks including a neon piece by Karl Holmqvist bring character to the ground-floor eatery.
Interiors:Irina Kromayer
Photos:Felix Brueggemann
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柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-20
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-21
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-22
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-23
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-24
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-25
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-26
柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-27
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柏林 Chateau Royal 酒店设计丨德国柏林丨Irina Kromayer-30
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