


Firm: Gallucci srl
Type: Commercial › Showroom
STATUS: Concept
SIZE: 0 sqft - 1000 sqft
BUDGET: $100K - 500K
The project was born as an exercise made with my students of Industrial Design at the “Preziotti” High School of Arts in Fermo, Italy.
It all started from a cordial meeting with Dr Gallucci, owner of the namesake footwear company.
The meeting focused on the topic of “how to make shoes" and on the difference between a product made by the manual work of a shoemaker and the same product made by indifferent machines.
Our task has been to reflect these speculations through a series of elements of furniture for shoe shops.
The starting point was the planimetry and exterior of a commercial site in Kiev, Ukraine,
sent by a collaborator of Gallucci's company.
The elements proposed as furniture are three:
a double supporting surface which is structured around a marble cube;
a panel, also made of marble that acts as a "scene" for the environment, "inlaid" shelves of synthetic glass and the logo we proposed for the company;
exhibiting elements with L-shaped brackets which are arranged symmetrically with respect to a marble slab.
The projects are clearly indicative of what the reason behind the project "concept" was:
neutral materials such as synthetic glass (polycarbonate), transparencies, historical materials such as Carrara marble in contrast to a fund in “listonato” wood floor.