

本项目住宅坐落于神奈川丘陵地区,由Moriyuki Ochiai事务所设计。建筑场地被郁郁葱葱的树木与起伏的山丘包围,让人联想到隐藏在山林中的古迹遗址以及滋养着农作物生长的河流。本项目坐落于一片较大的丘陵地带,以暴露在外的地质层为特点。
We performed the design for a residential building located in a hilly area. Surrounded by rolling hills covered in lush green trees, place names and burial mounds reminiscent of hills, as well as rivers relied upon by the agricultural industry, the building site is set in a large hilly area where cross sections of the stratum are exposed in some places.
▼项目概览, overview of the project
Thus, we set out to integrate into our design the structure of the surrounding hilly landscape while echoing the natural power of its hills, strata, and rivers. The construction follows a U-shaped layout centered around a courtyard. The exterior of the building is mostly white with balconies decked by a random arrangement of colored glass panel3s symbolizing the sky and greenery surrounding the site.
▼住宅区入口, entrance of the site
▼住宅楼外观, exterior view of the building
The courtyard abstracts the structure of the surrounding landscape by putting forward elements giving it the dynamic appearance of its natural environment, such as a gently undulating circular bench, polygonal planters, circular lawn patches, and floors colored as bodies of water, thus creating a soft and enveloping space for its users.
▼庭院鸟瞰, aerial view of the courtyard
▼顶视图, top view of the courtyard
▼庭院以自然元素为设计灵感, design of the courtyard is inspired by natural elements
▼细部, details
▼由室内看庭院, viewing the courtyard from interior
Illuminated polygonal recesses dot the entire ceiling of the entrance hall revealing natural motifs, such as azure skies, sunlight filtering through green foliage and exposed sloping strata. Each illuminating body has a rough and glossy texture that calls back to the rising power of the hilly grounds and the light shining off the water surface of the rivers. The resulting shadows and changing patterns fill up the whole space with the lively power and sparkle of nature.
▼入口大厅,the entrance hall
▼大厅天花板上布满了发光的多边形凹槽,illuminated polygonal recesses dot the entire ceiling of the entrance hall
Moreover, the juxtaposition of the ceiling lighting units and the box-shaped structures on the walls create in turn dynamic or subtle changes depending on the position of the viewer and the angle of the line of sight. This visual tapestry reveals a space giving a rich sense of diverse textures and rhythms.
▼墙壁上的盒子形立体装饰元素与天花板照明单元相呼应, juxtaposition of the ceiling lighting units and the box-shaped structures on the walls
▼立体装饰墙, box-shaped structures on the wall
Resonating with the landscape of rolling hills, the residential building channels and gives form to the natural energy embedded in multiple layers of intertwined strata.
▼入口大厅一角, corner of the entrance hall
▼传达室, messenger room
Design Member : Moriyuki Ochiai, Jillian Lei, Xingguang Li
Use: Residential Architecture
Location: Kanagawa Japan
Developer: Shinnihon Corporation
Constructor: Shinnihon Corporation
Special Paint : Osamu Yamaguchi
Lighting: Kayo Yokoyama(Koizumi)
photography: Takumi Ota
MUSE Design Award Gold Award (USA)
NOVUM Design Award Gold Award (France)
London International Creative Competition – Official Selection (UK)