「开场」MATATA 坐落于成都万象城中心,这里来往着形色各一的都市人群,MATATA 导演着一场荒唐不羁的秩序游戏。
「Opening」MATATA is located in the center of Chengdu Vientiane City. There are all kinds of urban people coming and going here. MATATA directed a ridiculous and unruly game of order.
「segmentation」We divided a complete facade door into three volumes with white and black artistic paint proportionally. The broken and separated block surface emphasizes the transient form. We wrap the design of the fa?ade deliberately to control the scale of the people nearby, to give a sense of spatial rhythm and desire for exploration.
We deconstruct the space and the installation. Reorganize it. It’s a conflict, it’s a dispute, it’s true. Is our silent expression of space.
For the bar, we chose blue bricks that can be seen everywhere, and specially Make the bar counter and wine cooler more textured.
「寄托」透光红色玻璃照进的光韵和吊顶缝隙漏出的光线,营造了超言说性的空间,使得空间感得以释放与延伸。「Entrust」The light shines through the transparent red glass and the light leaks from the ceiling gap, Created a hyper-speaking space, To release and extend the sense of space.
「回家」escape to city 逃往城市TPS 研发了一个富有理性光辉的空间坐落于此,希望给与过往的人们一座逃亡城市的精神庇护所。在这里,我们希望可以让自己得到完全的释放。对于这里来说,没有什么比一杯威士忌来结束漫长的一天更好的了。
「Come back home」escape to city.TPS has developed a rational and brilliant space located here.I hope to give people in the past a spiritual sanctuary in an escape city.Here we hope that we can be completely released.For here,there is nothing better than a glass of whiskey to end a long day.
项目地址:成都 万象城 二期
设计负责人:Siko_E 梁屹
设计团队:ISA|Siko_E 梁屹
时间:December 2021
装置艺术制作:远山 Art studio