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伦敦菲奥鲁奇店 · 复古迪斯科风潮的室内设计重生

2019/05/21 13:06:30
伦敦菲奥鲁奇店 · 复古迪斯科风潮的室内设计重生-0
伦敦——受60年代英国首都之旅的启发,埃利奥·菲奥鲁奇于1967年在米兰开了第一家菲奥鲁奇店,随后在伦敦和纽约又开了两家。菲奥鲁奇是当今概念店的前身,在迪斯科时代鼎盛时期的乐观和无忧无虑的态度下,最早将服装、家具、艺术、饮料、音乐和流行文化融为一体。有安迪·沃霍尔、基思·哈林和杰奎琳·奥这样的人经常光顾这家纽约店——也被称为“Studio 54”——菲奥鲁奇更多的是作为一个闲逛的地方,或者在橱窗里跳舞,而不仅仅是一个购物目的地。
LONDON – Inspired by a trip to the UK capital in the sixties, Elio Fiorucci opened the first Fiorucci store in 1967 Milan, followed by two more in London and New York. The predecessor of today’s concept store, Fiorucci was one of the first to mesh clothing, furniture, art, drinks, music and pop culture under the optimism and carefree attitude of the disco era’s heyday. With the likes of Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and Jackie O frequenting the New York store – also known as the ‘day-time Studio 54’ –Fiorucci stood more as a place to hang out in, or go dancing in the windows, rather than a mere shopping destination.
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上世纪80年代末,随着最初几家门店的关闭,该品牌最近重新开业,在伦敦Soho社区开设了第一家实体店。在与威尔逊兄弟(Wilson Brothers)的合作中,布林克沃斯将室内重新设计成一个同时庆祝品牌传统和未来的活动。此前,他们曾与威尔逊兄弟合作完成Supreme和Foot Patrol的项目。
Following the closure of the original stores in the late eighties, the brand’s recent re-launch sees its first brick-and-mortar outlet in London’s Soho neighborhood. In collaboration with the Wilson Brothers, with whom they have realized projects before for Supreme and Foot Patrol, Brinkworth reimagined the interior as a simultaneous celebration of the brand’s heritage and of its future.
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The rich visual archive of original material, including photographs, posters, logos and pieces of clothing sourced the designers with plenty of inspiration for the new space, which nods to Fiorucci’s iconic cheeky imagery with an excess of textures, colour and reflections. Built as a theatrical environment, the two-story location combines fashion, culture, music and cocktails in the spirit of the original stores.
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一楼的天花板基础设施允许空间适应各种场合,调动了一套窗帘、照明轨道和面板,形成一个开放或封闭的平面。Fioruccino ‘s是一家由棕榈拱廊经营的咖啡馆,提供闪闪发光的粉红色拿铁咖啡,位于同一个空间,模糊了零售和酒店服务之间的界限,而定制中心则邀请游客个性化他们的购买。在上层,一个红色的圆形沙发、镜面天花板和一棵部分由霓虹灯灯管做成的大棕榈树为空间增添了更多的家庭气息,而店内的鸡尾酒吧则借鉴了上世纪70年代迪斯科舞厅的外观和感觉。
A ceiling infrastructure on the ground floor allows the space to adapt to various occasions, mobilizing a set of curtains, lighting tracks and panels to form either an open or closed plan. Fioruccino’s, the café run by Palm Vaults and serving glittery pink lattes sits on the same space, blurring the boundaries between retail and hospitality, while the Customization Hub invites visitors to personalize their purchases. On the upper floor, a red circular sofa, mirrored ceilings and a large hanging palm tree partly made of neon tubes add a more domestic feel to the space, while the in-store cocktail bar references the look and feel of seventies discothèques.
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与包括臭名昭著的Studio 54在内的许多在其鼎盛时期的商店一样,老店的价值在于,它为志同道合的人提供了一个闲逛和逃离外部世界的空间。近50年后,用类似的类型学来看待该品牌的重新推出,无疑是一项有趣的实验。在不同时代长大的几代人,是否会对菲奥鲁奇乐观的性格做出反应,并以同样的方式参与店内活动,而不仅仅是购物,还有待观察。
The legacy of the original store, like that of many places during its prime decade including the notorious Studio 54, is that it offered a space for like-minded people to hang out and escape the outside world. Approaching the brand’s relaunch with a similar typology almost fifty years later is surely an interesting experiment and it remains to be seen whether generations growing up in a different era will respond to Fiorucci’s cheerful optimism and engage with in-store activities that go beyond shopping in the same way.
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