知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   咖啡店   /   刘涛


2017/05/22 10:13:15
刘宇扬建筑事务所 Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects的工作室空间,位于上海法租界典型弄堂内的一栋非典型普通建筑中。经过设计改造后,在保留原有房子的结构基础上,空间更为连续,并强化了室内外自然通畅的视觉联系。在忙碌的工作间隙,偶然的回眸一瞥,穿过通透的落地门窗与斜切天窗,尽收室外林荫与光线的时刻变化,让人感知到自然环境的真实变迁。
The studio of Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects is housed in a normal two-story building sited in a typical Shanghai alley. The renovation is based on the original structure, but emphasises on the continuation of space and visual connection between indoor and outdoor. A glimpse through glass doors and windows or bevel skylights captured the cool shades of tree and changes of sunlight, as one senses the natural surrounding and time passing by.
▼工作室外貌,the full view
Original garage facing the entrance was renovated into a big meeting room with double-door. When these doors and the front gate are open, the outside neighborhood, front courtyard and the meeting room became a continuous space, providing possibilities of serving as a community design workshop in the future. The first floor works as a main working area where all the programmed spaces centred around a five-meter long document shelf, including a small exhibition area, coffee bar, solarium, model room, restrooms and a storage room.
▼大门, the entrance
▼一层为核心工作区,the first floor act as a main working space
▼多种功能围绕在档案柜周围, different function areas are centred around a document shelf
▼阳光房与室外及建筑内部直接相连,the meeting room have a good relationship with both the indoor and outdoor spaces
The tall space on the second floor is designed to be a collaborative working area. Besides a basic administrative management space, there are two groups of open working area, three individual offices and a private architecture library. We offer a fixed budget for colleagues to regularly pick and collect worth-reading high-quality publications. The purpose is not to imitate any architecture design trends, but to establish a clear and diverse cultural coordinates for all of our projects.
▼二楼的挑高空间被定义为协作工作区,the tall space on the second floor is designed to be a collaborative working area
▼独特的天窗设计,the skylight
▼建筑内部的透视关系,the perspective relation
▼二层办公区,the working space on the second floor
▼刻意隔出的图书阅览室,a space is preserved for library
在材料与细部方面,圆润而带不同青灰度色泽的金刚石骨料水磨石地面与黄铜压条分缝及收边做法,自行设计和现场手工制作的角钢、回收水曲柳木与黄铜手拉杆构成的门窗系统,白色砖墙与门窗洞口的圆弧倒角,黑色钢板弯曲面的入口门斗、楼梯扶手、窗台、书架等,每一个构造与构件上的处理, 都是试图针对其特定的空间与功能属性,做出有态度的设计回应。而材料本身的色泽与质感,以及材料交接所构成和其延伸出来的空间、光影、使用和现场的关系,不是图纸设计意向能表达的效果,却是真实空间的建造实验与实践。
In the aspect of materials and details, our design particularly respond to their different spaces and programs with our own attitude. Gray-colored river pebble terrazzo floor goes well with brass divider and margin. Many of the metal works are designed and made on-site. Recycled Chinese Ash wood and copper hand pull-rod were used to construct our own door and window system. All internal walls are finished with round corner at the opening of both door and window. Black steel plates are bent into different kinds of components, such as vestibule at the entrance, staircase handrail, window sill, book shelves, toilet paper holder and so on. Some design effects are hard to be presented by drawings, like the lustre and texture of the material itself, spaces and shadows created and cast by interactions among the materials, as well as the relation between use and site. These are indeed our own experiment in building and our practice with real space.
▼回收水曲柳木与黄铜手拉杆构成的门窗系统,Recycled Chinese Ash wood and copper hand pull-rod were used to construct door and window system
▼延续材料本身的质感以及与环境作用而产生的效果,preserve the essence of materials
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan
▼二层平面图,the second floor plan
项目名称: 五原路工作室
项目地点: 上海市徐汇区
项目类型: 建筑及室内改造
设计单位: 刘宇扬建筑事务所
主持建筑师: 刘宇扬
现场管理:Herman Mao
建设单位: 刘宇扬建筑事务所
基地面积: 355平方米
设计时间: 2014-2016
施工时间: 2014,2015,2016
结构性质: 砖混,钢结构加固
项目造价: 800,000RMB
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