知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   游乐园   /   STUDIOLITE

Meland 儿童乐园深圳宝安大仟里店丨中国深圳丨Studiolite (SLT 设计咨询)

2022/09/06 20:03:55
Meland 儿童乐园深圳宝安大仟里店丨中国深圳丨Studiolite (SLT 设计咨询)-0
“想象力远比知识重要,因为知识是有限的,而想象力概括着世界上的一切并推动着进步”,现实世界中无处不在的既有设定和具象化场景,正一点点刺破着儿童梦幻般的想象力和创造力,而守护每一个孩子在自然森林的灵动自由,是 SLT 赋予宝安大仟里 Meland 儿童乐园的一项天然属性。
“For the limitation of knowledge, imagination is far more important than knowledge by itself since it summarizes everything in the world, and promotes the progress.” In the real world of ubiquitous settings and scenarios, the reality is slowly pricking with children’s fantastic imagination and creativity, and to protect every child’s cleverness and freedom in the natural forest, is the natural attribute that Meland adventure playground endowed with given by SLT.
为了不定义大自然的具象形态,SLT 决定打破教条主义,从感受出发,艺术抽象化地提取对大自然记忆里的鲜明特征,用抛砖引玉的方式去引导启发儿童,展开他们对于自然世界的想象,呵护儿童与生俱来的想象和创造天赋。
Without defining the figurative form of nature, SLT decides to break dogmatism. By starting from the feeling, extracting the distinct features in the memory of nature in an artistic abstraction, guiding and inspiring children in a way that attracts their deep interest, developing their imagination of the natural world, and taking care of children’s innate creative talent and imagination.
Through the creation of immersive artistic narrative space, we created a space for children running and playing in paradise where they can perceive the unique natural world using their five senses like sight, touch and hearing. It is all about generating their introductive understanding of nature, stimulate their potential of imagination and creativity, and eventually sow the seeds of curiosity in the exploration of the adventure of nature.
The mysterious cave leads to the unknown world, where the beginning of the fantasy journey slowly opens the curtain.
The mysterious sense of fantasy film is created at the entrance. The giant and exaggerated cave shape, the intricate and real inner world, and the brilliant contrast of gradual blue and orange attract the children and parents to stop and take a look. By deconstructing the structure of the original cave and abstract geometric form, the front desk, entrance, footpath, storage area and video game area are naturally differentiated.
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Another entrance to the cave leads to the vast starry sky game area, where the flickering starlight is in sharp contrast to the bright entrance. The spaceship observatory created by the designer under the background of the stars breaks the segregation of two isolated spaces, allowing the children to enter the observatory and have interesting spatial interaction with the children in the game area. This kind of interactive scene between different theme spaces runs through the whole park.
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Inside the park, there is a wonderful nature’s journey. The entire storyline, which is about climbing cross three mountains and terrains, runs through every corner of the space. Three natural theme concepts:berry field – wind-eroded desert – deep-sea mystery.
Different concepts of regional attributes and features are combined with recreation facilities of various age levels to draw a vivid and three-dimensional map of nature. Zooming in and out of the shape of plants, transcending the scale changes of physical reality, and the abstract art of the natural world with secret passages that allow people crawling or walking, sliding or jumping. The entire design opens up the door of curiosity in children’s hearts.
In the traditional children’s space, parents tend to ignore the surrounding facilities and only focus on the icy picture of interaction with the mobile phone. The abstract artistic atmosphere and immersive experience space subvert parents’ conventional understanding so that the interest of parent-child interaction and exploration arises naturally.
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穿过入口洞穴,进入乐园内部,首先映入眼帘的是中央枢纽-大瀑布,作为整个空间的交通要道,连接了 3 个主题的游乐区。伫立在瀑布两旁的“奇幻自然生物”作为路灯装置贯穿在乐园的每个角落,同时也兼具了指示路牌和分化人流的功能性。编程可控的灯球设计,忽明忽暗的光线节奏模拟大自然的呼吸频率,与艺术化的植物造型结合,让孩子们能够不经意间有着对自然与生命的感知。
Passing through the entrance cave and entering the inner part of the park, the first thing you will see is the central hub – the waterfall, which serves as the traffic artery of the whole space and connects the three themed play areas. “Magical natural creatures” standing on both sides of the waterfall serve as street lamps throughout the park, as well as signposts and the function of differentiated pedestrian flow. The programmable light bulb design and the flickering light rhythm simulating the breathing rate of nature, combined with artistic plant modelling, make children inadvertently have a sense of nature and life.
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From the right of the central waterfall, following the vine path of the berry fields and stepping through the layers of the cloud hills, the children arrive in the magical city, a mechanical factory driven by giant gears that move the city. The blurry boundary between nature and the city makes children forget time and space in paradise and immerse themselves in the wonderful world.
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Down the fantasyland slide, on the other side of the central waterfall is a wind-eroded desert area. Abstract-style cactus, the park’s unique dunes, and various forms of desert plants gathered together to build a desert landscape. A series of soft steps at the edge of the dunes as well as the stage in the wilderness, provide a place for parents and children on the journey to enjoy and rest.
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沿沙漠边际而行,步入乐园深处,抬头仰望,忽然发现竟置身于蓝色海洋,高达 11 米的深海空间带来最为沉浸的海洋奇景。利用地面抬高所做的海底通道,入口设置在海洋城堡的隐蔽角落,串联了整个海洋球池的活动节点。搞怪有趣的海洋生物,千回百转的深海梯道以及空中倒挂的蓝色气泡给孩子们带来与众不同的海洋故事。
Walking along the edge of the desert, heading into the depths of the park, and looking up, kids will suddenly find themselves in the blue ocean. The deep-sea space with over 11-meter height brings the most immersive ocean wonders to them. The entrance is located in the hidden corner of the ocean castle, connecting the active nodes of the entire ocean sphere pool with the undersea passage created by the elevation of the ground. Funny sea creatures, endless deep-sea staircases, and upside-down blue air bubbles give the children a different ocean story.
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明亮且低饱和的色彩配比,在保护儿童光感发育的基础上,降低了长时间接触带来的视觉疲劳,提高了儿童和家长在沉浸式空间情绪状态的稳定性。结合空间概念设计的 VI 门牌识别系统,鲜明独特,又恰如其分的融于环境。
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▲视觉 VI 设计
The molding edge and activity space are fully soft packaged for safety, so as to eliminate the possibility of accidents during children’s playing.
空间里所有的道具均由 SLT 定制化设计,选用优质的产品材料和精湛的工艺技术,在满足人机工程学的要求下,进行多次调整测试,最大限度化去展现道具的独特个性,在产品的实用性和艺术创意性上保持绝佳的平衡,打造 Meland 儿童乐园的独特魅力。
All the props in the space are customized and designed by SLT. By selecting superior-quality materials and exquisite technology, high-quality products, SLT are able to meet the request of man-machine engineering with multiple adjustment tests, trying to maximize the distinctive personality of props. The goal is to achieve a perfect balance between the practical aspect of the product and the creative side of design, in order to make Meland adventure playground unique charm.
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From the perspective of spatial design, the park strives to activate the interaction between children and nature, between children and art, and to stimulate children’s curiosity and desire to explore nature, as well as the infinite potential of artistic imagination.
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项目名称:Meland 儿童乐园深圳宝安大仟里店
设计方:Studiolite (SLT 设计咨询)
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019
主创及设计团队:凌晨、Jessie Cui、Alexandre Sadeghi、姜姗姗、蔡雅倩、史丹丹、朱钰萱
项目地址:深圳市宝安区新湖路与海城路交汇处宝安大仟里 L302-303
客户:MELAND 儿童乐园
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