

©️ 黎伟
Baked goods have been integrated into people's urban life. People not only hope to buy baked goods amazing in taste here, but also hope that the atmosphere it connects can bring happiness out of satisfaction.
LE PAIN de PALMIER 是继承了沪上有名的米其林餐厅Joël Robuchon精致的基因,由烘焙大师 TAKAHITO HIRAI 亲自操刀助力的烘焙品牌。崭新的品牌首店在太阳宫一层,聚集了更多年轻的消费者。
LE PAIN de PALMIER is a baking brand that inherits the exquisite gene of Joël Robuchon, a famous Michelin restaurant in Shanghai, and is assisted by the baking master TAKAHITO HIRAI. The first store of the brand-new LE PAIN de PALMIER is on the first floor of the Sun Palace, attracting a large number of young consumers.
LE PAIN de PALMIER 轴测图 / ©️ Dayuan Design
官方宣传图 / ©️ LE PAIN de PALMIER
The atmosphere in the place where consumers purchase baked goods can make them imagine the favor. In this design, a baking display- retail space endowed with the philosophy of “sharing love and food” constructed by Dayuan Design intends to capture both the exquisite look of baked food and its warmly melt taste.
The bread cabinets arranged along the wall create a natural and simple purchasing line starting from the position of taking the plate. In front of the large-area blank wall, baked goods are displayed more like works of art by taking the metal cabinet as the background.
更加简单明确的购物动线 / ©️ 黎伟
取餐点细节 details / ©️ Dayuan Design
In the selection of design elements, Dayuan Design refers to the basic shapes of doughs after the basic operation of baking, such as flattening doughs, stretched strips, doughs with pricked holes or stacked patches, which can be transformed into a more abstract and modern design language in the space.
元素在空间的表达 / ©️ 黎伟
细节图 / ©️ Dayuan Design
The inverted-heart screen designed for the brand can customize the content according to different themes or partners of the brand in different seasons. It now has become a conspicuous prop for taking photos.
店铺立面 / ©️ 黎伟
店铺立面 / ©️ Dayuan Design
平面图 / ©️ Dayuan Design
项目名称 / Project Info : LE PAIN de PALMIER
项目地点 / Location : Shanghai,China
项目类型 / Category : Commercial Design
项目面积 / Area : 80 sqm + 120sqm
摄影团队 / Photo : 黎伟 , Dayuan Design
LE PAIN de PALMIER · 乐伴是成为资本旗下继Joël Robuchon,上海滩后又一崭新力作。乐伴的诱人美味由米其林餐厅Joël Robuchon烘焙大师TAKAHITO HIRAI亲自操刀主理。来自日本的TAKA擅长将东西方烘焙技艺融会贯通迸发灵感,烘焙经验丰富且创意满满。此次献礼乐伴,TAKA在法式经典烘焙中揉入日式灵感,呈现出为中国市场量身打造的创新美味。乐伴将精湛的烘焙技术与当代潮流元素相结合,从产品创意到时尚快闪面面俱全。我们不仅用心做烘焙,更要分享爱与美食的生活哲学,成为引领食尚潮流的先行者。
LE PAIN de PALMIER is another innovative work in Shanghai after Joël Robuchon. The tempting delicacy of LE PAIN de PALMIER is made personally by the baking master TAKAHITO HIRAI from Joël Robuchon, a Michelin restaurant. TAKA, who is from Japan, is good at integrating Eastern and Western baking skills and making something new. He not only is rich in baking experience but also creativity. For the opening of LE PAIN de PALMIER in Shanghai, TAKA incorporated Japanese inspiration into the French classic baking to present an innovative delicacy tailored for the Chinese market. LE PAIN de PALMIER combines exquisite baking technique with contemporary trend elements, making its delicacies perfect in innovation and fashion. LE PAIN de PALMIER bakes with its heart to under the life philosophy of sharing love and delicious food, and becomes a pioneer in leading the trend of food fashion.
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