知末案例   /   家装空间   /   四合院

登本设计 | 上海办公室设计 | 像餐厅的图书馆

2019/10/27 00:23:08
Client : Design Onboard Studio
Place : Shanghai
Date : 2019. Apr.
Project : Office Design
Area : 160sqm
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登本设计 | 上海办公室设计 | 像餐厅的图书馆-6
登本設計創辦人Carlie及K.D分別是室內設計師及品牌設計師 , 兩位設計師心中對設計產業在市場上的定位有自己明確的目標, 他們提倡; 設計不是藝術創作, 設計應該是運用美感及技巧來解決問題的商業模式, 並期望每位業主都能因為自己的項目”被設計”之後而產生了實際的價值. 
當登本設計的辦公室進行改造時 , Carlie及K.D需同時扮演客戶及設計方兩種角色 , 他們決定要讓自己扮演市場上想法抽象的業主,  於是給了自己一個貪心的難題, 一個可以擁有獨立性, 並且隨意走動但又不突兀的開放空間, 就像在餐廳或是圖書館裡會發生的情景一樣自然. 就讓我們在 ”像餐廳的圖書館” 裡工作吧!
The founders of Design Onboard Studio, Carlie and KD, are interior designer and brand designer. The duo have a clear goal for the positioning of the design industry in the market. Great design isn’t about artistic creation, it is the application of aesthetic solutions. Applying design to solve the critical issues raised by each client, thus creating value throughout the process of being “designed” is the primary goal of each project. 
When it came to designing Design Onboard Studio HQ, Carlie and KD had to play the role of both the client and the designer. They decided to let themselves be the “creative abstract” client, they gave themselves a greedy problem to solve, an open space working environment without compromising each own’s privacy. A space that is casual and unobtrusive, as natural as you would feel in a restaurant or library. 
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合 - 空間使用的複合感受, 功能具備的區塊整合, 各類材料的相互組合, 善用方正環境在平面佈局上的優勢, 妥善將空間規劃利用, 各個功能區域皆具備獨立性, 卻仍然保有使用者在空間中願意走動的互通性, 彷如中式四合院的平面佈局一般, 能靜能動, 能文能武, 就好比是能面對各類門派挑戰者而衍生出的一套 ”登本組合拳“.
Combine - applying multiple characters and personalities harmoniously into a space that isn’t easily defined. The integration of various functions, the combination of various materials. By utilizing the advantages a square layout and proper use of space planning to optimize each functional area to its fullest potential, while retaining interactivity between areas to improve the willingness to move around. Similar to the layout of a Chinese-style courtyard. It can be static but dynamic, a literal but abstract force of connectivity. Like a book that could be enjoyed throughout different stages of life.
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Business art is the step that comes after Art….making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. 
- Andy Warhol
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一道像是“會呼吸的牆”醒目座落在入口處的左側, 黃銅色的前檯上沒有收銀機, 但多了一份安靜.
光影投射在磚牆漸變的排列組合上, 讓牆面上的陰影變化層次更加豐富.
A "breathing" wall is strikingly located on the left side of the entrance. The absence of a cash register on the brass counter embraces tranquility. 
When light and shadow cast on the breathing brick wall, the complex layering gives life to the mundane.
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登本设计 | 上海办公室设计 | 像餐厅的图书馆-28
空間裡使用了許多市場上常規的材料以及常見的手法 , 但運用不同型態的組合及色調的相對關係, 
達到“客戶”對空間需求及想像的期望, 更能滿足業主對成本掌控的需求.
木料, 水磨石, 大理石, 防火版, 塗料, 鐵製品, 黃酮,  整個12x13平方米的面積裡就像一間巨大的材料室.
Many common materials and techniques are used in the space, but the selection of mixtures is crucial to the relationship and the hue that it projects to our sense. Exceeding customer expectations of the space while controlling the costs is what we do.
Wood, terrazzo, marble, fireproof, paint, iron, flavonoids, the entire 12x13 square meters space itself is a huge material room.
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每個獨立辦公空間, 就像是為了每一位來用餐的客人或是來到圖書館的閱讀者一樣, 都能有屬於自己能靜下心的區塊.
The individual office spaces are like private dining tables a high end restaurant or a reader’s table at the library, a formal but intimate space to each own.
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一個可以隨意走動但又不突兀的開放空間, 就像在餐廳或是圖書館裡會發生的情景一樣的自然.
如果有機會去登本找Carlie及K.D, 相信我, 你不會再需要尋找有沒有舒服的餐廳或是安靜的地方來碰面, 他們的辦公室絕對會是讓你印象深刻的有趣空間.
An open space that one can move around without being abrupt, just like in a restaurant or library. If you have the opportunity to visit Design Onboard Studio HQ, ask for Carlie or K.D, they are more than happy to show you their creation.
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灯光设计:Studio 72 阮文彬
Client:Design Onboard Studio
Project :Office
Design By:Design Onboard
Interior Design:
Carlie Ling、K.D Hsu
Lighting Design:Studio 72 W.P. YIN
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