

When designing a continuous wall to organize a multi-function space, its formal expression could be generated naturally.
Panorama view of the shop front
©孟超 TheWhiskyPool
TheWhiskyPoolis the first professional whisky and spirits retail brand in China. Their new store in China World MallBeijing was set out to be an information center for liquors, displaying a large number of products and derivatives systematically, accommodated with relevant research materials. This was aimed to provide a unique consumption experience, and to convey the brand image.
Demolish a wall and to build anew one
Removal of the existing glass partition wall opens up the narrow and irregular shop space, blurring the boundary between retail and public area, and creating possibilities in customer circulation and spatial experience.
Appearance of shop front before demolition
A new curved wall is built to organize the complex internal space, which can integrate the different functions with various elevational formation, and to create enclosure for different activities.
Perspective drawing of the design concept
Visually, the complete and continuous wall provides a retail display towards the public area, in attempt to attract the passer-by with the rich collection of liquor; and in terms of flow, the open and continuous elevation directs customers to follow a series of activities: browsing through the collection, reading the related information, tasting, purchasing, drinking at the seating area, etc. At the same time, it allows the shop keeper to complete the sales procedure of guidance, introduction, operation, packaging and other services in time.
Auxiliary spaces can be accessed via openings in the continues wall.
View of the liquor display from the public space
Curved display wall and the open seating area
View towards public space from the retail area
The curved display wall and the transformable screen wall
towards the bar counter
Structural expression and material property
The curved wall is decorated with rammed earth, a material selected to express the natural impression of the fermentation process. The display wall is layered according to height of liquor bottles. Part of the display area use black piano paint as surface material, which creates a reflective backdrop that highlights the bottles and extends the visual depth of the display. Physical depth variation is created in the curved wall to accommodate the different functions, forming tasting table, information shelf, plant plot, bar counter, booth seating, etc.
Apart from the rammed earth material and wooden counter tops, black colour is used throughout the design to eliminate the spatial character, and to highlight the curved formation of display wall.
Structural and material details
In order not to affect the continuity of the display wall, the selves are made of cantilevered steel plates that no column or vertical support is visible in the entire length of the wall. The cantilever distance varies in different sections of the wall according to functional requirements.
△ 不同功能位置悬挑结构剖面
Sectional drawings of the cantilevered structure
Interactive design&Transformable atmosphere
曲线墙围合成的吧台和圆弧卡座是主要堂饮区域,末端预留的植物槽种一棵树,标示出入口也让室内感受季节变换,添加自然氛围。There is a circular seating area within the retail space, formed by part of the curved wall with rotatable partition panels. A tree is planted at one end of the curved wall, which marks the entrance and enhances the natural atmosphere.
△ 吧台操作服务区
View of the bar and operation area
© 孟超
The cantilevered bar counter is also used as cashier and packaging space.
Magnifying glass device behind the bar
A movable magnifying glass device is installed behind the bar on the display rack. It is used as a decoration, with the function of revealing display details to customers. Behind the magnetic suction writing blackboard which can move left and right is a small information cabinet. The bartender can take the information at any time to let customers understand the differences of various whiskies.
Section and elevation of magnifying glass and data cabinet
环形卡座靠背上方设计定制“蒸馏器形”限位 90 度旋转开关屏风,此空间可在开放与相对私密间随时转换。屏风对内一侧选择布料有吸音作用,对外一侧的金属红铜表面能映射周围环境光影变化,且顾客从不同方向经过会有不同材料感受。
The rotatable panels on the curved wall form a “distiller shape” once opened. These panels allow a switch of atmosphere for the circular seating area, a transformation between different degree of privacy. The panels have fabric installed on one side to provide sound-absorbing effect; and copper finish on the other side in relation to the distillers.
View of rotatable panels from the public space
View of rotatable panels from the public space
Rotating the panels
The copper finish on the rotatable panels reflects the light and shadow of the surrounding environment, striking customers with a transformation of atmosphere when they walk by.
In addition to the rotatable panels, dimmable lighting is another important element to the transformable atmosphere. Lighting can be dimmed when the space is used as a bar, and turned up when used as retail space or in events such as a product launch.
Transformation of the rotatable panels
Transformation of the rotatable panels
Detail of the rotatable panels
Display wall elevation
Bar and seating area elevation
文末附上 2020 年圣诞节我们以此项目为背景制作的动态贺卡:
项目名称:TheWhiskyPool 威士忌铺北京国贸商城店室内设计
设计时间:2020 年 9 月-10 月
建成时间:2021 年 1 月
室内面积:113.7 平米
项目地址:中国北京市国贸商城北区一层 NL1017
主要材料/品牌:夯土涂料/西蒙 地面瓷砖/葆威 布料/Kvadrat
Project: TheWhiskyPool, China World Trade Center, Beijing
Design team member: September-Octobern, 2020
Year of completion: January 2021
Area: 113.7sqm
Design Partner: >1 ARCHITECTS
Structural consultant: Wu Xia
Lighting consultant: Lu Xiaorui, Yang Xiangwei
Client: TheWhiskyPool
Project Address: NL1017, China World Mall, Beijin
Photographer: Meng Chao, Tian Fangfang, OEO
地址:北京市西城区西四北三条乙 26 号三层