

八仙酒楼(SENSE 8),是对南洋旧时光的追忆,也是对“东方审美”的一次探讨。餐厅内部的造型以岭南西关大宅生活方式为基础,以港岛旧时茶楼为灵感。推开一扇扇中式几何花格手绘描金的隔门,娓娓动听的南管配乐始终萦绕耳际,东阳木雕、潮汕金漆,在每一次视觉的接触中展示无穷细节,脚下金线相间的红绿水磨石拼花地面严丝合缝地体现着岭南文化绵长的历史……这里的一器一物,或是海外古董拍品的回流,或是古籍典要中的复刻,或是在传统成品上的更新。这是一家餐厅,可恍然间又仿佛置身时光的瑰丽万象之中,传统美学被一层层精心雕刻的细节包裹得鲜活起来。
SENSE 8 represents a recollection of the charm of NanYang old times and an in-depth exploration of eastern aesthetics.
Modeled upon the framework of Xiguan mansions in Lingnan, the interior of the restaurant is inspired by the old-fashioned Hong Kong tea gardens. After opening an array of Chinese-style partition doors decorated with hand-drawn, gold-painted geometric patterns, one will hear the pleasant Nanguan music caressing your ears. An infinite number of details from Dongyang woodcarvings to Chaoshan gold lacquered objects are unfolded before your eyes, and the parquet floor alternating with red and green terrazzo and gold lines perfectly showcases the long history of Lingnan (Cantonese) culture. Artifacts collected here are either purchased from overseas auctions, or ingeniously reproduced, or re-invented and customized on the basis of traditions. Despite being a restaurant, the place actually has a magic to make you feel as if you were walking through the kaleidoscope of time where the complicated, infinite details of the magnificent Chinese aesthetics were unfolded layer by layer.
▼ 走廊
Through a 30-meter passage, guests are able to access to different areas of the restaurant. An array of Chinese-style partition doors decorated with hand-drawn, gold-painted geometric patterns, one will hear the pleasant Nanguan music caressing your ears. ▼ 东阳八角宫灯
A verum-shaped arch introduce a semi-public room with bead curtain.
▼ 东阳八角宫灯
The colorful octagonal crystal chandeliers were born from Forbidden City.
▼ 等候厅
Four turret-shaped niches suspended on each walls of the verum hallway. The traditional-style ceiling décor draws on the caisson structure commonly seen in Forbidden City, named “Zao Jin”
▼ 大厅
挑高将近 9 米的大厅,以中国木建筑内大殿的屋架斗拱与立柱的比例划分中间金箔顶与四周围廊的高差比,制造内部空间的张力。
In the center of a number of stately banquet rooms is a hall with a height of nearly 9 meters, where the designer aptly employs the proportion of ancient Chinese wood architecture to enhance the space.
The most striking part of the space is the colossal Japanese-style paper lantern strung across the entire hall. Featuring the images of the traditional Chinese Eight Immortals, the lantern was made by traditional Japanese craftsmen over more than a year, not to mention numerous difficulties encountered in shipping and hoisting.
法式 Bistro 藤椅与中式绿色印花桌布组合搭配俨然已经是店内最醒目的标识之一。
Sense 8 features the combination of the French-style Bistro rattan chairs with the Chinese-style green painted table cloth.▼八仙一角
The auspicious Dongyang octagonal palace lamps perfectly echo to the concept of the “Eight Immortals”, while the Chinese-style hanging or floor lamps are designed to conjure a resemblance to those collected in the Palace Museum.
墙壁上一红一绿的壁灯相映成趣。精致灵动的仕女壁灯来自明清古董的 1:1 复刻,绿色的八仙琉璃灯仿佛是镶嵌在墙壁上的碧玉翡翠。
On the corridor walls are glazed lamps featuring the Eight Immortals, looking as if they were jades and emeralds dotted on the wall.
The auspicious Dongyang octagonal palace lamps perfectly echo to the concept of the “Eight Immortals”
The black Gold lounge decorates with black wooden walls with gold drawings.
The Dragon lounge that offers seats for 16 diners is nearly 4 meters high. With red walls decorated by golden furniture and carved patterns of flowers, the lounge provides supreme elegance with different sizes of Cantonese ceramic plates and solid wood structures which form up an interesting contrast.
The combination of the exquisite gold tracing technique of the artifact repairers of the Forbidden City.
▼ 露台
The patio is entirely covered with grid arches made of steels, which in a way recalls 70s Paris. Paved with Indonesian Jawa tiles, the floor gives a quick glance into the NanYang style.
The suspension plants hanging on the arches is alike in spirit of palace lanterns. ▼ 手工纸扎灯笼
Eaturing the images of the traditional Chinese Eight Immortals, the lantern was made by traditional Japanese craftsmen over more than a year.
The traditional-style ceiling décor draws on the caisson structure commonly seen in Forbidden City, named “Zao Jin”
▼ 平面图
完工时间 / Completion year:2021.08
建筑面积 / Area :1400 sqm
项目地址 / Address:成都 IFS 国际金融中心 4 楼 / 4th Floor, IFS, Chengdu, China
摄影师 / Photographer:形在空间摄影|HereSpace
主创建筑师 / Chef designer:汪昶行 / Chasing Wang, 朱勤跃 / Neal Zhu
设计团队 / Design Team:刘森 / Sen Liu
软装设计 / FF&E Consultant:NONG STUDIO
灯光设计 / Lighting Consultant:杨飞 / Fager Yang
客户 / Client:F.C.C Group / 熙玺府集团
主要材料 / Main materials:金箔,大花绿大理石,嵌铜条造型水磨石,冰裂釉面砖,水泥花砖,护墙板红描金,拼花木地板,仿古银镜,錾花黄铜,球墨铸铁雨水篦,仿古装饰铜叶,定制丝绒壁纸,日本青森灯笼
ntique mirror, Flower bronze, Rainwater grate, Customerized wallpaper, Japanese Aomori lanterns
地址:上海黄浦区南苏州路 1247 号 2 楼