The project is located in Hangzhou Xiaoshan Zhong’an Square area. Here will attract multiple international brands and resources with complete high-quality complex business forms, connect with advantageous resources of Hangzhou city, rely on the two world-class water bodies of Qiantang River and Grand Canal, and build a complex aircraft carrier integrating business, urban tourism, world-class headquarters office and other functions, which will be built into a new landmark of Hangzhou city internationalization.
古希腊建筑学家 Marcus Vitruvius Polli 说:“情感的境界与设计的启示中提到,情感境界既是设计境界”。
在后疫情时代,人们对于生活居所的情感境界,对家庭的依赖性和舒适性将达到更新的层次。The design concept of this case uses "Midsummer night’s dream" to create a light luxury space with the integration of romantic poetry and Mediterranean style, to meet the needs of most contemporary women for the romantic atmosphere of living accommodation, but also give consideration to the luxury texture of high-quality home. The ancient Greek architect Marcus Vitruvius Polli said, "The realm of emotion and the inspiration of design mentioned that the realm of emotion is the realm of design." In the post-epidemic era, people’s emotional state of living place, dependence on family and comfort will reach a new level.
Entering the porch, you can clearly see the visual comfort brought by the vast flat layer, a large area of warm tone amber as the keynote, embellished on the deep sea blue leather, velvet rose, white marble, and metal lamps collision, the ancient Greek art in the "classical impression", "elegant fragrance", "five sense experience" instantly bloom.
The clear sea water gives off a moist and warm atmosphere, accompanied by the fragrant flowers in the air, making home feel like entering a hidden private sea. The designer amplifies the visual, olfactory and tactile senses of the five senses of shape, sound, smell, taste and touch, replacing the emotional contrast brought by the environment, and restoring the sensory experience of equal proportions to the home design. Let the home also have the sensory experience of traveling with nature and the ocean,talk slowly about the of love and beauty in the luxury hours.
Weekend at home, cook a brunch for the family and enjoy the delicious food together with the family relaxed and happiness. The large space can also provide a gathering place to invite one or two friends and relatives to the house in your spare time, a glass of white wine with seafood pasta, taste the Mediterranean style of pleasure.
The bedroom is the most relaxed and private space for people. The designer uses the color sense of the deep blue sea, highlighting the calm temperament and elegant style of the protagonist. Soft and cotton cloth is used as the main material to create a warm, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere starting from the "touch" in the "five senses experience".
At the same time, the storage and display functions are optimized in the living space, including cloakroom, display cabinet, dressing table, etc., that the layout is compact and reasonable, convenient storage, broad vision and enhance the happiness of homelife.
Children’s room focuses on the tide play, young, fashion, quality as the weather vane, light and colour orange furniture, with the latest and most popular elements such as play do room installation, advocating the concept:I’m the master of my young life.
项目名称:众安· 杭州萧山北干 47 号地块
软装设计:SWS Group
SWS Group 是一家致力于建筑设计、室内设计、软装设计和艺术品研发创新应用的科技型企业,秉持“空间改变生活”的企业使命,为客户提供建筑、室内、软装、艺术品设计的产品和服务的综合解决方案。成立至今,我们已为国内外领先开发商、运营商、酒店管理公司提供一站式设计服务,与国内外多家知名企业和品牌商建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系。先后为新鸿基、九龙仓、香港置地、绿城、万科、中信、华贸、华侨城、陆家嘴、上海实业、金桥集团等领先企业提供全案设计服务。
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