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2021/12/13 17:30:00
Dubai Exhibition Center(DEC)
World-class convention and exhibition centre epitomises public architecture and integrated urban design.
For over two hundred years World Expos have been a celebration and platform of innovation that sparks the public imagination and offers us an immediate glimpse of what is to come. From video conferencing to the autonomous vehicle, world expos have often heralded the arrival of cutting-edge inventions and drawn international crowds with their impressive exhibition spaces.
2020 年迪拜世博会虽受到疫情影响有所延迟,但终在全球目光的聚焦下开幕,并将在 2022 年 3 月 31 日前,为世界呈现一场史无前例的未来盛典,让全球友人有机会一探这片神奇土地的文化传统和创新机遇。
And after one of the most challenging periods in global history that showcased global health innovation at work with the expedited release of remarkable vaccines, the Dubai Expo is more than ready to welcome visitors from across the globe to explore the themes of culture, innovation, and connectivity within a magical setting.
作为 2020 年迪拜世博会的主会场和最大的单体场馆,由伍兹贝格担纲建筑和室内设计的迪拜展览中心 (DEC) 将为全球性的会议及活动提供绝佳场地,为世界各地游客提供最佳体验,以突出的在地文化特性,成为迪拜具有识别性的地标门户和阿联酋地区未来领先的会展场馆。
Designed by Woods Bagot, the Dubai Exhibition Center (DEC) will be the United Arab Emirates’ leading exhibition venue and the main & the single largest venue of Expo2020 Dubai. Designed to host this major global event and to ensure the best experience for visitors, the new major venue acts as the development’s iconic gateway for all visitors and reflects the unique culture and identify of Dubai and the region.
The building has been designed to fulfil two unique roles; a key component of the Expo Event and a catalyst for the Legacy of the District 2020 master plan.
An essential factor has been the connection of the functional purpose of the DEC as a meeting place with the culture and identity of Dubai and the region.
The design supports Dubai’s reputation for being an open and welcoming destination with first-time visitors’ experience starting in an authentic way.
Exploring themes of culture, innovation and connectivity, the design concept derives from Dubai’s unique landform, in particular the sand dunes and salt flats found inland, locally referred to as sabkhas in Arabic. This inspired the articulation of the building and selection of materials; the structure’s undulating form shifts from different viewing angles with carefully selected materials and a colour palette developed from the natural hues found in the United Arab Emirates.
DEC 位于所有新兴创意的交汇点,毗邻迪拜南部新建地铁站,是进入世博会的四个公共入口之一。
游客在穿越展览中心时,首先会看到一个 105 米宽 x21 米高的巨大拱门,连接起 DEC 周边自然景观和引人入胜的阿尔瓦斯(Al Wasl)广场巨型穹顶。
Sitting in the intersection of all emerging innovation, DEC is one of the four main arrival points for the Expo events, also the entry gateway for all those using the new metro station in southern Dubai.
As visitors move through the building, they are met with an immense space (105m wide and 21m high) with a huge arch that frames the view of DEC and the spectacular Dome of the Al Wasl Plaza.
考虑到自地铁专线站点而来的庞大人流,设计团队力求让访客在进入展厅的即刻就感受到空间的灵活和动态,营造出愉悦的视觉体验:大型可移动墙体可适应不同用途和活动需求,内外部 LED 屏幕和资讯板等数字技术的嵌入则可促进人与空间的动态交流。
With a high percentage of guests coming from this station, careful consideration has been paid to how they will pass through the building. Once inside exhibition halls are flexibly designed to foster dynamic exchanges between people, with large retractable walls capable of hosting a range of uses and audiences. Technology is embedded to engage participants, including external and internal LED screens and information boards.
这一空间的标志性设计是位于遮阳篷结构处的“WonderCool”互动装置,由 Kaynemaile 制成,一系列波浪形的悬垂幕布,随空气流动映照出建筑物的图案以及灯光的变化,呈现出戏剧化的动态效果。白天可以在酷热天气下为访客提供遮阳,夜间则上演炫彩灯光秀。
This space features an impactful and interactive ‘WonderCool’ shading canopy formed by a series of dramatic curved drapes, created by Kaynemaile, that run over the canopy frame. These drapes are responsive to air movement, the pattern and colours of the buildings. At night time, visitors can witness the lighting display made up of 32 million individual mesh links.
南北馆空间可完全依据不同活动定制化使用,同时举办 14 场活动。12 间高层会议室、两间套房和两间 VIP 会议厅,亦可俯瞰整个世博会现场。
Spread across its North and South Halls, DEC’s indoor event space is completely customisable, allowing 14 co-located events to run simultaneously, supplemented by its 12 upper-level meeting rooms, two suites and two VIP majlises overlooking the entire Expo site.
迪拜世界贸易中心房地产项目高级总监 Amer Al Farsi 分享道:“DEC 不仅在视觉上令人惊叹,也将进一步为迪拜会展业的发展带来重要价值。作为 2020 迪拜世博会最大的场馆,这里接待来自世界各地的游客,创造出名录丰富的贸易机会,将成为阿联酋‘金禧年’中独具代表性的大事件。”
Amer Al Farsi, Senior Director, Projects, Real Estate, DWTC, said: “We would like to thank Woods Bagot for their support in designing DEC, a venue that is not only visually stunning, but one that will also add significant value to Dubai’s MICE industry. As the largest venue at Expo 2020 Dubai, DEC is set to host visitors from across the world and will create new trade opportunities across a range of industries in what represents a landmark year for the UAE, in its Golden Jubilee.”
伍兹贝格统筹全球专家资源,共同打造出了一座面向未来的建筑。与奥运会一样,DEC 也将作为 2020 年迪拜世博会的重要遗产之一,通过毗邻新机场的区位优势加强迪拜南部的发展,成为阿联酋未来发展的催化剂。DEC 更将作为具有文化独特性的公共建筑,呈现中东特有的文化遗产,传递世界级热情好客的城市形象,彰显国家发展的成就,面向世界描绘出团结一心的地球村美好画卷。
Woods Bagot drew on the knowledge of its global team in order to deliver the best possible visitor experience to the venue and create a building for the future. Like the Olympics, the venue is a catalyst for future development and will positively influence the surrounding community and give shape to Dubai South, strengthened by its position adjacent to the new airport. A testament to the values of middle eastern culture, legacy, and world-class hospitality, the DEC is also a celebration of the architectural expression on display to showcase the achievements of nations and to celebrate what happens when the international community comes together.
项目主要负责人:Richard Fenne,伍兹贝格合伙人,中东区域负责人
设计规模:180,000 平方米
竣工时间:2021 年
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