

Joy City Sanya
The Joy City mixed use’s development vision in Sanya will extend its brand to become a new world-class tourism destination that attracts innovation, arts, and culture to the rising Sanya.
Woods Bagot has led the masterplanning of the project and the architectural design of the retail.
三亚大悦城位于迎宾路和老郭园路交汇处,处在 2019 年启动的三亚总部经济及中央商务区的东岸片区核心地段。大悦城的商业规模约 93,600 平方米,包括地下一层至地上五层,预计设置超过 200 间国际及本土知名商铺。
The Joy City Sanya covers around 93,600 sqm of retail space in the core area of Sanya CBD, with over 200 local and international stores planned across six floors, from the first basement level to the fifth floor. This luxury mixed-use development is located along the Yingbin Road, as one of the most significant retail and leisure components for the newly released Sanya Headquarters Economy and CBD plan early 2019.
总体规划示意 Masterplan
Once completed, the Joy City will provide a composite cultural tourism experience integrating shopping, socializing, entertainment, sightseeing, and culture together, building the new icon of Sanya in the east bank.
- 设计策略 -
商业设计策略 Design Strategy
竖向规划 Stacking Plan
设计规划策略针对较大的楼面面积(层均约 12,800 平方米),结合人性友好的尺度需求,以多维度的立体商业动线和广场串联起剧院、主力店等主题空间,从水平和垂直等多方向激发人流活力,结合位于整个大悦城核心位置的热带花园和下沉广场的亮点加持,成就国际级标杆商业休闲娱乐中心。
To provide people-centric experiences in such large floor plates (average areas per floor is 12,800 sqm) is one of the challenges. The multi-dimensional stacking plan interlock with the theatre and anchor stores to stimulate the activities and people interaction. An all-season food precinct spread around the multi-levels stack, and the tropical garden and sunken plaza in the center of the development will highlight the entire space and accomplish the Joy City into the world-class benchmark as a retail and leisure urban hub.
- 设计概念-
The design concept "Oasis Stage" is originated from the most significant characteristics of Sanya for its tropical climate, as one of the most popular leisure destinations in China, also known as the "Oriental Hawaii". Joy City creates a place that can provide the upscale and elegant urban living amenities and connect to the breath-taking nature.
The visitors will be invited on a unique exploring journey, enjoying a spatial experience -from the sunken plaza, the tropical garden to the rooftop bar street. A variety of environments, from a theatre, skylight atrium, event spaces, tax-free anchor to the themed food court, will provide for a mix of brands and experiences from entertainment, traditional retail to F&B.
The architecture involves a full people-centric design process with different layers of details thinking.
Sanya has warm weather all year around. The facade strategy needs to consider reducing direct sun exposure to the terrace of the tropical garden.
The terrace overlapped at the alternate level to create several double-height seating areas, which provides comfortable shaded outdoor spaces where people stay.
The 3F platform creates a large shaded area at the sunken garden to activate outdoor activities.
Designed as a breathable building, it blurs the indoor and outdoor to provide a seamless journey experience for the visitors.
A multi-entrance from different levels welcomes and attracts all the visitors, with the rooftop garden opens to the public, faces the wetland and sunset. The water street concept is design for the basement. All levels are round with its unique featured and splendid experiences. The integration of indoor and outdoor gardens creates a visual focal point and stimulates the interactive experience in the plaza, as well as activates retail frontage around the plaza. The tropical garden terraces and sky garden dining platform connects outdoor and interior green at different levels to create a variety of journey of choices.
Here where the local natural ecological landscape meets and mixes into the commercial vitality, creates a new tropical, green, and healthy lifestyle. With the indoor and outdoor theaters and event spaces, combine culture, art, exhibitions, and performances with multifunctional and dynamic space, the Sanya Joy City will become the spiritual urban cultural high lands, the future of a world-class tourism destination, and the postcard of Sanya.
用地面积:31,936 sqm
总建筑面积:177,889 sqm
建筑面积(商业):93,600sqm (地上 76,600 sqm, 地下 170,000 sqm)
预计竣工时间:2023 年
Project Name:Joy City Sanya
Location:Sanya, China
Principal In Charge:
W-B Principal, Regional Retail Sector Leader Billy Ip;
Director Jean Weng;
Senior Associate Hon Kong Chee;
Asociate Hua Wan;
Land Area:31,936sqm
Total GFA:177,889sqm
Retail Area:93,600sqm (Above Ground 76,600 sqm, Under Ground17,000 sqm)
Estimated Completion Date:2023
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