

我们的第一个宗教空间是一个婚礼教堂,旨在庆祝夫妇新生活的第一天。 我们的第二个宗教委员会有一个完全相反的目的:哀悼亲人的逝世。 这个前提是设计背后的主要推动力,两者必须是完全对立的,他们是自然对立者。 前者称赞生命,后者悲伤死亡。 通过这个对比的比赛,所有的决定都是:玻璃与混凝土,透明度与固体,飘渺与重度,古典比例与显而易见的混沌,弱势与不可毁灭,短暂与持久。
阿卡普尔科斯丘陵由巨大的花岗岩组成,堆积在彼此之间。 在一个纯粹的模仿努力中,我们努力工作,使教堂看起来就像山上一个巨大的巨石。
Our first religious commission was a wedding chapel conceived to celebrate the first day of a couples new life. Our second religious commission had a diametrically opposite purpose: to mourn the passing of loved ones. This premise was the main driving force behind the design, the two had to be complete opposites, they were natural antagonists. While the former praised life, the latter grieved death. Through this game of contrasts all the decisions were made: Glass vs. Concrete, Transparency vs. Solidity, Ethereal vs. Heavy, Classical Proportions vs. Apparent Chaos, Vulnerable vs. Indestructible, Ephemeral vs. Lasting
Acapulcos hills are made up of huge granite rocks piled on top of each other. In a purely mimetic endeavor, we worked hard to make the chapel look like just another colossal boulder atop the mountain.