

在哈德森谷的新塞勒姆村附近,这座五十英亩的宅基地包括一个住宅,车房、花园、游泳池,农场池塘和果园。 现有的原生林地的立场被保存,以框架马牧场的远景,并在夏季提供阴影和保护免受冬季风。 设计包含将周围的乡村带入酒店的概念,拥有清晰的草坪,温和倾斜的地形以及房子和花园周围的简单庭院空间。 长草种植的草坪框架草坪区域,并提醒周围的农业和田地模式遍布整个山谷。
Near the village of New Salem in the Hudson Valley, this fifty-acre homestead is comprised of a residence, carriage house, gardens, pool, farm pond, and orchard. Existing stands of native woodland were preserved to frame distant views of horse pastures and provide shade during summer months and protection from winter winds. The design embraces the concept of bringing the surrounding countryside into the property, with sweeping lawns, gently sloping topography and simple courtyard spaces around the house and garden. Long plantings of grasses frame lawn areas and are a reminder of the surrounding agriculture and field patterns found throughout the Valley.