POMONA 住宅花园丨建筑师,景观设计师

2023/03/19 19:29:33
通过建筑师、景观设计师和客户的密集合作,这个住宅景观作为整体设计的房屋和花园设计出现了。 非常早期的跨学科对话决定,如拯救和移植现有的标本二十英寸卡通山核桃树, 房子和花园作为一个活跃和弹性的空间,具有溶解的边界和外部和内部之间的过渡。
This residential landscape emerged as a holistic approach to the design of both house and garden through an intensive collaboration of the architect, the landscape architect, and the client. The interdisciplinary dialogue very early decided, for example, to save and transplant an existing specimen twenty inch caliper pecan tree that was sited within the footprint of the future house. The house and garden function as one flexible, active, and resilient space with dissolved boundaries and transitions between exterior and interior.
POMONA 住宅花园丨建筑师,景观设计师-2
POMONA 住宅花园丨建筑师,景观设计师-3
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POMONA 住宅花园丨建筑师,景观设计师-12
POMONA 住宅花园丨建筑师,景观设计师-13
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