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马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师

2023/03/11 19:49:33
MVLA与Ziger / Snead建筑师合作,为马里兰州历史学会的新博物馆画廊添加了新的博物馆。 新画廊的翅膀创造了两个庭院。 入场法院的中心部分是建筑物入口处的80英尺长的镜面池,游客穿过一座桥到两层玻璃大厅。 庭院被规划为一个多功能空间,作为特殊活动的户外聚集地点和特殊需要的停车场。 这种种植强调了当地的马里兰州种类,由一个简单的银座布基克斯(Gingkos)所组成,它们分布在原始博物馆大楼的南面,并为座位提供沉淀的树荫。
MVLA collaborated with Ziger/Snead Architects on the new Museum Gallery Addition for the Maryland Historical Society. The new gallery wings create two courtyards. The center piece of the entry court is an 80 foot long reflecting pool at the building entry, which visitors cross on a bridge to the two story glass lobby. The courtyard was planned as a multi-functional space to serve as an outdoor gathering place for special events and as a special needs parking area. The planting emphasizes native Maryland species, anchored by a simple bosque of Gingkos that lines the south face of the original museum building and provides dappled shade for seating
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-2
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-3
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-4
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-5
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-6
马里兰州历史学会新博物馆画廊丨MVLA 与 Ziger,Snead 建筑师-7
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