

时代华纳中心于2004年完工,是一座210万平方英尺的综合用途文化和零售综合体,改变了哥伦布圈的面貌。作为Columbus Circle 19亿美元零售和文化发展的一部分,MNLA与哥伦布圈的重新配置协调,为住宅,企业,文化和商业租户开发了独特的入门功能。在24楼,MNLA的9,500平方米的露台设计供公寓拥有者公共使用,拥有哈特森河美景的金属花盆,一个凸起的娱乐甲板和一个带户外厨房的户外用餐区。
Completed in 2004, the Time Warner Center is a 2.1 million square foot mixed-use cultural and retail complex that changed the face of Columbus Circle. As part of a $1.9 billion retail and cultural development in Columbus Circle, MNLA designed the streetscapes in coordination with the reconfiguration of Columbus Circle and developed distinctive entry features for the residential, corporate, cultural, and commercial tenants. On the 24th floor, MNLA’s dramatic 9,500 sf terrace design for communal use by the condominium owners features metal planters that frame Hudson River views, a raised entertainment deck, and an outdoor dining area with a full outdoor kitchen.