

零百年历史的零星扩张已经离开了北校区校园的核心,被城市街道划分,缺乏认同感。 将校园带回学生 – 积极的城市环境适应学生互动的更自然的条件 – 霍尔·舒德(Hoerr Schaudt)挥舞着草地,砖墙通道,以及设计用于会议,社交和学习到振兴景观的空间。 此外,该公司重新配置了校园流通,设计了一个增强现有架构的签名外观,并在未来扩展的总体规划中引入了灵活性。
Sporadic expansions over its hundred-year history had left the heart of North Campus University’s campus bisected by city streets and lacking a sense of identity. To return the campus to its students – and the aggressively urban setting to a more natural condition suited to student interaction – Hoerr Schaudt wove waving grasses, brick-lined pathways, and spaces designed for meeting, socializing and studying into a revitalized landscape. Additionally, the firm reconfigured the campus circulation, designed a signature look that enhances the existing architecture, and incorporated flexibility in the master plan for future expansions.