

此项目位于杭州象山艺术公社,包括位于 32 幢一层的叉艺术书店,以及 52 幢一层的工作坊,两处空间由廊道相连。项目业主“平行所”是一家复合型文化机构,其运营的空间还包括设计展厅、美术馆和“去约咖啡”。
Located in Hangzhou Xiangshan Art Commune, this project is comprised of X-Art Bookshop and a workshop, both of which are on the ground floor of two buildings and connected by surrounding passageways. The client, Parallel Institute, is a culture complex that also runs a design pavilion, an art gallery and “Cheer Café”.
▼叉书店夜景全景,overall night view of the project
When we received the commission, the basic interior constructions (including air conditioning, lighting, flooring, etc.) had been completed, but the spaces were still vacant. The client decided that X-Art Bookshop should differ from traditional bookshops, with a space that is display-oriented and variable. They expected a new place with multi-functions: for display and retail of art books and artworks; for seminars and activities such as handcraft courses.
▼叉书店夜景,night view
设计理念 Design Concept 设计的出发点是“纸张”这一概念,进而演化为“折纸”的手法。自古以来,纸张是文明的载体、文化传播的重要方式;而当代诸多艺术书籍,也将“纸”作为艺术创作的重要元素。我们希望将知识与艺术的抽象概念投射到“纸”的具象形态上。“折纸”的手法用在了书店入口门头、室外标识、室内书架、墙面装置乃至收银柜台,它们在统一的设计理念之下,又呈现出各自的特点。
The original concept of this design is the image of “paper”, which evolved into the approach of “origami”. Since ancient times, paper has been a symbol of knowledge as well as an important means of communication; while nowadays, paper is being used in many art books as an essential element. We intend to project abstract concepts of “knowledge” and “art” into concrete forms of “paper”. The approach of “origami” is applied in the design of bookshop front, bookshelves, wall-installations and the cashier’s counter, all of which have their own individual characteristics but under a unified design concept.
▼叉书店正立面,front facade
此外,我们设计中积极进行先锋的材料尝试,并使用 SOP 标准化模块以减少施工周期,且可通过模块化操作满足未来的空间拓展需求。
In addition, we have actively experimented with combinations of avant-garde materials in the design, using SOP modulars that not only ensure the project completed within limited construction period, but also could be easily operated to meet the needs for future spatial expansion.
▼叉书店入口门头,store front
“GreySpace”:the East Passageway
▼叉书店&工作坊轴侧图,axonometric drawing of the project
A series of outdoor signs are placed along the path that leads from the main entrance of the bookshop along the east passageway – the so called “grey space” – to the workshop. The eye-catching bookshop front, made of silver-plated Tyvek and galvanized steel pipes, creates a futuristic look while still conveys a traditional image of “book scrolls”. The other outdoor signs are designed with the similar approach of the bookshop front, with Tyvek material on them shaping the form of “arrows” that pointing in the direction of the bookshop or the workshop, when viewed from different angles. The east passageway is also designed with places to hang posters, serving for the promotion of Parallel Institute.
▼叉书店东侧廊道及室外标识,the east passageway and outdoor signage of the bookstore
▼叉书店门头近景与细部,Closer view and details of the storefront
▼叉书店展示窗,display Window of the bookstore
室内空间与定制家具 Interior Space and Custom-made Furniture
书店室内原有 0.75m 的高差,为了更好的整合与利用空间,我们设计了木质地台填补大部分高差(仅保留入口处高差)。在地台上放置收银柜台,地台内有两个大抽屉用以储藏。
▼叉书店轴侧图,axonometric drawing of the bookstore
There was a 0.75m height difference in the bookshop. To better integrate the space, we have designed a wooden platform to fill in most part of the original “lower space” – only the “lower” entrance was retained. The platform, above which the cashier’s counter is placed, contains two large drawers for storage.
▼叉书店室内概览,interior view of the bookstore
▼叉书店入口玄关,entrance area of the bookstore
▼叉书店新增地台与柜台,the new platform and counter
▼由入口空间看台地之上,viewing the platform from the entrance
▼叉书店柜台及推车,counter and cart
书架是叉书店空间的主角,它们最主要的特征是前卫而兼具手工感的外观和灵活可变的性能。书架使用镀锌钢管作为主体结构,搁板采用 PC 板外覆白色杜邦纸的设计,并以 U 型亚克力边条和角铝封边。搁板看起来轻盈且微微透光,并可手动操作其转动,呈现出倾斜展示或平放的姿态,让书架像手中的折纸一样动起来。我们沿着书店的三面落地玻璃窗放置书架,创造出兼有一定围合感与穿透性的空间界面。
The bookshelves are the protagonists of X-Art Bookshop. They have a light, avant-garde appearance with handcrafted marks; meanwhile, they could offer multi and variable functions. The shelves are made of galvanized steel pipes as main structure, and PC sheets covered by white Tyvek and sealed by U-shaped acrylic strips and aluminum angles. With a light and slightly translucent look, they can be manually operated to be displayed in the tilted or the flattened position. Standing along three walls with floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the bookshop, the variable bookshelves create a spatial interface that can be both relatively enclosed and permeable.
▼书架布展,arrangement of the bookshelves
▼叉书店中央书架变化,movement of the central shelves
▼书架局部与纸长凳,details of the shelves and the paper bench
▼书架搁板细部,details of the shelves
▼工作坊轴侧图,axonometric drawing of the workshop
The project also includes a range of custom-made furniture (such as paper-counters, paper-benches and stools, trolleys and desks, etc.) designed with materials as honeycomb cardboards, birch plywood, aluminum profiles, all of which appear in a perfect harmony with Tyvek and galvanized steel pipes.
▼工作坊室内全景,interior view of the workshop
▼工作坊“圆桌”布局,the “Round Table” of the workshop
▼工作坊布局变化,layout changes of the workshop
▼定制家具轴侧图,axonometric diagram of the custom furniture
In order to meet the needs of different scenarios, the workshop desk is specifically designed with a trapezoidal desk top, which could allow free combinations of curved and straight, concentrated and dispersed spatial forms. In the whole project, with only one exception of the wooden platform in X-Art Bookshop, all other furniture such as bookshelves, wooden cabinets, wall-installations, desks, benches and stools can be moved directly or removed by simple dismantling. The design has fully ensured the possibility of multi-functional and variable spaces in the future.
▼工作坊推车与置物架,cart and shelving of the workshop
▼工作坊纸坐凳、工作桌以及书店纸展台细部,workshop paper stool, work table and the bookstore paper stool details
▼总平面图,master plan
▼书架轴侧图与大样图,axonometric drawing and construction details of the bookshelf
项目类型:室内设计 / 商业零售 / 展览设计 / 家具设计
项目设计:2022 年
完成年份:2022 年
项目地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区创意路 313 号象山艺术公社 32 幢、52 幢
材料:镀锌钢管、PC 阳光板、杜邦纸、桦木胶合板、铝型材等
品牌:DuPont™ Tyvek®, 俄罗斯 SVEZA 桦木胶合板
Project name: Variation of Paper: Renovation of X – Art Bookshop & Workshop of Parallel Institute
Project type: Interior Design / Retail Space / Exhibition Design / Furniture Design
Design: Atelier Gegeben
Design year: 2022
Completion Year: 2022
Leader designer & Team: Shengdi Fu, Quanquan Liu
Project location: Xiangshan Art Commune 32# & 52#, Chuangyi Road 313, Xihu District, Hangzhou, China
Gross built area: 190m2
Photo credit: Yanjun Li, Shengdi Fu
Clients: Hangzhou Parallel Institute Ltd.
Materials: galvanized steel pipes, polycarbonate hollow sheets, DuPont™ Tyvek®, birch plywood, aluminum profiles
Brands: DuPont™ Tyvek®, SVEZA