

Pietro Franceschini
MEI JI FILE Pietro Franceschini \ 生活美学,优雅诗意 意大利 . 佛罗伦萨
Architecture survives because it is art and because it transcends practicality.
[法] 柯布西耶 (Corbusier)
在佛罗伦萨附近有一座美丽的乡间别墅,该别墅曾经属于一位受欢迎的画家,由于他带来的异国情调,他在这里的住宿仍然很明显。建筑师兼设计师Pietro Franceschini接手了这个项目,并将其改造成最理想的住宅.
There is a beautiful country house near Florence, which once belonged to a popular painter, his stay here is still obvious due to the exoticism he brought. Architect and designer Pietro Franceschini took over the project and transformed it into the most ideal residence.
此处显示的项目进一步证明了建筑师也可以以自己的名字实现非常特殊的项目。Casa M 的典型托斯卡纳乡村风情以柔和的色彩,稀有的大理石以及最后但并非最不重要的是花园中的奇特植物来补充。对于像佛罗伦萨这样的城市来说,这种组合是非常不寻常的。为什么?仅仅是因为多样性和多样性。目的是使内部形成对比。
The projects shown here further prove that architects can also implement very special projects under their own names. The typical Tuscan countryside of Casa M is complemented by soft colors, rare marbles and last but not least exotic plants in the garden. For a city like Florence, this combination is very unusual. why? Just because of diversity and diversity. The purpose is to make the inside contrast.
Galerie Philia 在纽约市Walker Tower Chelsea 的标志性装饰艺术建筑中接管了两层高的阁楼式公寓,最新的收藏设计展览为参观者提供了欣赏非凡风格和手工艺以及壮丽景色的机会在纽约市中心。该展览与意大利建筑师兼设计师Pietro Franceschini共同策划,像一个宜居公寓一样布置,展示了40名来自以日内瓦现代设计和现代美术馆为特色的画廊Galerie Philia代表的国际设计师的作品。约克和新加坡。展览将持续到5月15日,是全球一系列临时展览的一部分,旨在向新观众介绍画廊的新兴和老牌设计师。
Galerie Philia took over a two-story loft-style apartment in the iconic Art Deco building of Walker Tower Chelsea in New York City. The latest collection design exhibition provides visitors with the opportunity to appreciate the extraordinary style and craftsmanship and stunning views in the heart of New York City. The exhibition was co-curated with the Italian architect and designer Pietro Franceschini. It was arranged like a livable apartment and showcased the works of 40 international designers from the gallery Galerie Philia, which features Genevas modern design and modern art gallery. York and Singapore. The exhibition will last until May 15 and is part of a series of temporary exhibitions around the world, aiming to introduce new audiences to the gallery’s emerging and established designers.
Pietro Franceschini是纽约和佛罗伦萨的建筑师和设计师。他曾在意大利,葡萄牙和美国接受教育。在获得佛罗伦萨大学的法学学士学位和普拉特学院一等荣誉的MSArch学位之后,他与布鲁克林的Leeser Architecture,佛罗伦萨的Claudia Nardi,巴黎的LaiséRoussel和纽约的Carlo Ratti Associati工作。他的最新项目PF | Studio于2020年诞生,是一家室内设计和家具设计公司。
Pietro Franceschini is an architect and designer from New York and Florence. He was educated in Italy, Portugal and the United States. After receiving a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Florence and an MSArch degree with first class honors from Pratt Institute, he worked with Leeser Architecture in Brooklyn, Claudia Nardi in Florence, Laisé Roussel in Paris and Carlo Ratti Associati in New York. His latest project, PF | Studio, was born in 2020 and is an interior design and furniture design company.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :Mei Ji File
撰文 Writer:Long 排版 Editor:W/fei
图片版权 Copyrig