

世茂智慧之门项目坐落于杭州市国家级新区滨江区,位于机场高速公路与通往杭州中心城区钱江三桥的交汇点,北望钱塘江,毗邻 2023 年杭州亚运会标志性建筑群奥体中心;基地周边交通发达、新型业态丰富。
The Shimao Wisdom Tower project is located in the Binjiang district of Hangzhou, a national-level new area. It is situated at the intersection of the Airport Expressway and the Qianjiang Third Bridge, which leads to the center of Hangzhou. With a view of the Qiantang River to the north and adjacent to the iconic 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games Athletes’ Village to the east, the area around the project has well-developed transportation and a rich mix of new businesses.
▼项目概览,Overall view
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view
智慧之门的建筑方案由 EID Arch 首席建筑师姜平主持设计,落成后的建筑群伫立于钱塘江畔,构建了一个极具辨识度的城市门户。它不仅以近 280 米的高度点染了杭州的天际线,更充分利用其场地优势,成为辐射周边智慧产业带上的国家物联网基地核心版块的城市地标。
Designed by Ping Jiang, Design Principal of EID Arch, the completed complex stands on the banks of the Qiantang River, creating a highly recognizable urban gateway. The main structure of nearly 280 meters not only adds to the skyline of Hangzhou, but also takes advantage of its site to become a landmark of the national IoT core area on the surrounding smart industry belt.
▼滨江新区毗邻亚运场馆奥体中心的建筑群落,The project is adjacent to the iconic 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games Athletes’ Village
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
A restrained and elegantly poised urban landmark
杭州世茂智慧之门项目总建筑面积达 370,000 平方米,共由 5 栋建筑组成,涵盖办公、公寓、商业及城市公园等多业态功能。其中,A、B 两座超高层办公塔楼是综合体的核心;C、D、E 附楼作为居住、商业及社区服务配套,扩展空间以配合完善项目的整体运营。建筑布局围绕中央绿地组织,在集约的场地中优化开放性的公共空间,界定出整个片区的城市节点。
The total building area of the Hangzhou Shimao Wisdom Tower project reaches 370,000 square meters, consisting of five buildings that provide a variety of functions including offices, apartments, commercial spaces, and urban parks. The two high-rise office towers, A and B, are the core of the complex, while the C, D, and E annex buildings serve as supporting facilities for residential, commercial, and community services, expanding the space to complement the overall operation of the project. The building layout is organized around a central green space, optimizing the open public space in the intensive site, and defining the urban nodes of the entire area.
▼人行道路层视角,View from the street level
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view
▼回应周边城市空间关系,Responding to the spatial relationship of the surrounding city
A new type of urban complex guided by public spaces
The project presents the Wisdom Tower in an abstract form through the architectural image of the Twin Towers. As the endpoint of the urban landscape axis on the south side of the site, the gateway image of the Twin Towers responds to the urban spatial relationship around the site and is coordinated with the overall urban design. The design is oriented towards public space, with openness on all sides, enclosing an open central green space. The supporting commercial facilities within the group form a contrast with the towers in the form of an open market, completing the transition of scale in the high-rise complex group with undulating heights. The architectural layout forms a permeable urban interface, attracting visitors from all directions to activate the entire community.
▼城市空间轴线的延伸,Extension of the urban spatial axis
▼地面层视角,View from the ground level
▼左:落客区前镜面水池,右:商业市集;Left: reflection pool; right: retailarea
Unlike traditional commercial-led high-density urban complexes, Hangzhou Shimao Wisdom Tower has actively explored and attempted to optimize open spaces for citizens in new urban complexes. The design combines public art with architecture, and some ventilation and smoke exhaust facilities are wrapped in copper-colored aluminum panels, which satisfy functional requirements while being artistically treated in shape, placed between the two super-high-rise buildings, attracting people to stop and providing public activity space to increase the connectivity between the Twin Towers.
▼连廊人视,View to the linking gallery
▼雨篷连廊、设备管井与公共艺术雕塑的结合,The design combines public art with architecture and facilities
▼开放空间,Outdoor area
The sculptural and futuristic canopy design connects the bottom of the Twin Towers, and combined with the spatial treatment of the central green space and public art, it creates a unique walking experience for citizens.
▼连廊仰视,Looking up from the gallery
▼远观连廊,Distant view
▼超高层入口雨篷,The sculptural and futuristic canopy
三层的 E 楼作为配套服务建筑,主要承担社区服务和承载部分超高层设备机房的功能。对比超高层塔楼,这处近人小尺度的空间设计更具亲和性。入口平台延续的坡道可以让人群分流直接来到二层,横向表皮处理仿佛是延绵起伏的江面,为市民提供了一个宜人通透的界面。屋顶平台的线条进一步向外延伸,将建筑与景观融为一体,形成地景式的艺术美感。虽高度有异,但设计在元素、材质和形式上都与超高层建筑在风格上保持一致,因此空间的气韵顺畅流动在整个场域中。
As a supporting service building, the three-story E building mainly serves the community and carries some of the high-rise equipment rooms. Compared to the super-high-rise buildings, this small-scale space design is more approachable. The sloping ramp of the entrance platform can divert crowds directly to the second floor, and the horizontal skin treatment seems to be a continuous and undulating river surface, providing a pleasant and transparent interface for citizens. The lines of the roof platform extend further outwards, integrating the building with the landscape to form a landscape-style artistic beauty. Although the heights are different, the design maintains consistency in style in terms of elements, materials, and forms with the super-high-rise buildings, so the air and charm of the space flow smoothly throughout the entire field.
▼服务配套辅楼 E 楼,Service building E
A restrained and elegantly poised urban landmark
“In a high-density urban environment, Iconic buildings should not only be expressions of novelty and extravagance. Unlike the common trend of seeking height and uniqueness in the design of high-rise buildings, the Hangzhou Wisdom Tower stands quietly on the banks of the Qiantang River with a restrained and open posture, responding to the local cultural characteristics of the city and constructing the spirit of the riverside area.” The architect explains the design concept.
▼集约场地中的开放性公共空间,Open public space in an intensive site
▼回应场地周边交通干线川流不息的城市生息,Responding to the flowing urban life of the traffic arteries around the site
▼夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view by night
As the largest river in Zhejiang Province, the Qiantang River has carried the history and culture of both sides of the river for thousands of years, and the Qiantang Tidal Bore is a well-known natural wonder. Thanks to the project’s excellent location, the architectural concept of the Wisdom Tower starts from the urban image, taking the “Qiantang Tidal Bore” geographical landscape as inspiration, ingeniously combining Hangzhou’s natural and humanistic genes with the design of high-rise buildings, and “The wise enjoy water” also echoes the vision of the Wisdom Tower as the core highland of the urban IoT. The restrained and controlled technique portrays the elegant and solid architectural image of the high-rise building.
Integration of architecture with the urban landscape
▼建筑与城市肌理,Architecture and the urban fabric
▼夕阳下的智慧之门,TheWisdom Tower in the sunset
▼超高层立面概念生成,Concept generation for super high-riseelevations
The two high-rise buildings are echoed by high-rise apartments and multi-story supporting annexes. The design starts with the local attributes of the building, abstracts the unique tidal phenomenon of the Qiantang River with abstract techniques, simulates the unique beauty of the Qiantang River’s ebb and flow in the form of the building, and forms a group of dynamic urban sculptures.
The design delicately handles the vertical lines on the exterior facade of the towers, which are entirely wrapped in ultra-white glass curtain walls, with aluminum components outlining the gaps, enriching the facade hierarchy between advance and retreat, and emphasizing the vertical extension, making the visual tension more prominent.
▼立面局部,Facade partial view
The architectural form is simple and restrained, and the facade changes with the refraction of light, showing the dynamic flow of the Qiantang River’s tides; the low-rise buildings extend horizontally upwards, reaching the ground landscape with clear and rich facade rhythms. They are like a group of jumping urban notes, echoing the magnificent tidal changes in nature.
▼立面表皮,Facade close-up view
▼明晰而丰富的立面韵律,Clear and rich facade rhythms
▼流动性的线型变化,Linear variation of fluidity
Flexible physical framework and green intelligent office
作为 LEED 绿色建筑金级预认证的新型城市综合体,设计团队与美国知名结构顾问公司 LERA 合作,塔楼采用带斜撑的巨型框架-核心筒多重抗侧结构体系,其特点是八根巨柱设置在四角并尽可能贴近建筑表皮,降低用钢量的同时最大限度地提供无柱办公空间以及空间分割的弹性。
As a new urban complex pre-certified with LEED Gold certification for green buildings, the tower adopted a dual structural system with mega-braced frame and core walls. It features eight mega-columns with diagonal bracing placed at four corners close to the building envelope to reduce tonnage, while optimizing column-free office space.
▼结构系统,Structural system
▼结构振型与周期,Structural vibration mode and period
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
To adapt to the adjustments between different business formats of offices, hotels, and apartments during the promotion process, the flexible physical framework is easy to respond to changes in market demand. In addition, the design team collaborated with the well-known American structural consulting company LERA, and the twin towers adopted an aluminum heat-dissipating high-efficiency glass curtain wall with sunshade function to reduce glare and solar heat radiation, improve the light and heat environment experience, ensure the comfort of indoor space, and save energy.
▼入口雨棚,The canopy
▼超高层办公大堂,Lobby of the office building
Interior space on administrative office floor
▼办公层室内,Office interior view
建筑表皮水滴形的竖向构件通过不同层级的处理,呈现出有机的形态和多层次的深浅变化,在形成丰富立面肌理分割的同时,彰显出简洁理性的办公设计。项目引入 BIM 三维可视化模型、VR 等技术,打造智慧办公商务场景,真正实现舒适性与能效最大化。
The vertical components of the building envelope with water drop shapes present an organic form and multi-level depth changes through different levels of processing. While forming a rich facade texture segmentation, they demonstrate the concise and rational office design.
The project introduces BIM 3D visualization models, artificial intelligence, VR and other technologies to create intelligent office and commercial scenes, truly achieving maximum comfort and energy efficiency.
▼幕墙设计,Curtain wall design
▼办公门厅及电梯厅,Lobby and elevation hall
超高层的出现是城市经济高度发展的产物,也是城市化的重要空间节点。EID Arch 姜平工作室始终将建筑的都市性与在地性特质放在首位,在汲取当地的历史文化基因的同时,与建筑功能的实用性与设计概念性相结合,并切实思考地形地貌特色,精细布局,辅以先进的材料与技术,自然推进设计概念的精准落地。
The emergence of super high-rise buildings is a product of highly developed urban economies and an important spatial node of urbanization.
EID Arch always prioritizes the local characteristics of the building, which involves drawing from local historical and cultural genes while combining the practicality and conceptual design of the building’s function. Additionally, the team carefully considers the terrain and landforms, employs meticulous layout, and incorporates advanced materials and technology to naturally promote the precise execution of design concepts.
▼尺度,The scale
▼建筑与城市,Architecture and the city
Hangzhou is a city where traditional and modern elements coexist and nature and culture are interdependent. It offers a world-class experience of business and technology operations, while also providing a peaceful setting for city dwellers to enjoy the beauty of the lakes and mountains. In the Binjiang New Area, the Wisdom Tower undoubtedly adds color to the city’s skyline. It pays tribute to Hangzhou’s elegant urban character with a quiet and powerful attitude, and becomes an image model of urban nodes with a humble demeanor.
▼建筑与滨江区,The Binjiang New Area
▼夜间一瞥,Night view
▼钱塘江畔城市天际线,City skyline
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view
▼总平面图,Master plan
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,Second floor plan
▼标准层平面图,Typical floor plan
▼A 塔楼标准层平面图,Tower A typical floor plan
▼南立面图,South elevation
▼西立面图,West elevation
▼公共艺术装置形体生成图,Art installation
▼入口雨篷细节,Canopy detail
▼幕墙细节,Curtain wall detail
项目名称:钱江潮涌:杭州世茂智慧之门超高层城市综合体 / EID Arch 姜平工作室
建筑师:EID Arch 姜平工作室
设计团队:黎泓、丁恺、汤丹、Alberto Canero、Ratima Suwanrumpha、李柏杨、谢犇、樊迪、孙晓旭、杨帆、陈星蓉、王文佳、郑通、郑语诗、黄恺妮、孟锦、方冠婷、何芳子、汪小薇、宋宇、历鹏、陈晨、江中洲、吴迪、胡骏涛、张维、农元迪、张听雷、陆心一、王慧文 等
室内设计顾问:杭州堂朝天意室内设计有限公司(A 塔)/深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司(B 塔)/G&K 桂睿诗设计(E 楼)
Project name: Shimao Riverfront Wisdom Towers
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Client: Shimao Group
Time: 2015-2022
Gross Floor Area: 370,000 sq m
Type: Mixed-Use, Office / Residential / Retail
Architect: Atelier Ping Jiang I EID Arch
Design Principal: Ping Jiang, FAIA
Design Team: Sean Lu, Xiaohai Lin, Hong Li, Kai Ding, Dan Tang, Alberto Canero, Ratima Suwanrumpha, Boyang Li, Ben Xie, Di Fan, Xiaoxu Sun, Fan Yang, ingrong Chen, Wenjia Wang, Tong Zheng, Yushi Zheng, Kaini Huang, Jin Meng, Guanting Fang, Fangzi He, Xiaowei Wang, Yu Song, Peng Li, Chen Chen, Zhongzhou Jiang, Di Wu, Juntao Hu, Wei Zhang, Yuandi Nong, Tinglei Zhang, Xinyi Lu, Huiwen Wang etc.
Collaborating Local Design Institute: Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research
Master Planning: SOL
Structure Engineer: LERA
MEP Engineer: WSP
Landscape Design Consultant: AECOM
Façade Consultant: Schmidlin
Interior Designer: HPID(Tower A)/ MATRIX DESIGN(Tower B)/ G&K (E Building)
Photography: CreatAR Images/ arch-exist photography/ Xi Chen/ Hu Yijie/ Yang Shi