

Sophie Ashby将维多利亚美丽的Blewcoats建筑变成了她迷人的新工作室、陈列室和活动空间。这里是维多利亚的Blewcoat school,一座宏伟、比例匀称的一级保护建筑,其历史可以追溯到1709年,分布在两层楼上。一楼的高度为9米,将高耸的天花板概念提升到新的水平,并充满了遗产建筑的细节,包括美丽的柱子、镶板和壁炉。Sophie Ashby解释说,在设计时,她以与房屋相同的方式来处理它。因此它完全没有商业化的感觉;反而给人一种温暖和亲切的感觉。
Sophie Ashby's Turning the cavernously beautiful Blewcoats building in Victoria into her charming new studio, showroom and events space.‘Here’is the former Blewcoat school in Victoria, a grand, well-proportioned, Grade I-listed building that dates back to 1709 and spreads over two floors. The ground floor is nine metres in height, taking the idea of soaring ceilings to new levels, and is full of heritage architectural details, including“beautiful columns, panelling and a fireplace”.Sophie explains she“approached it in the same way as a house”when it came to the design.“It doesn’t feel commercial at all; it feels warm and intimate.
Sophie Ashby接手时,这栋楼是一张空白的画布。幸运的是,那里的一切看起来都很好,就像一个画廊的环境。Sophie Ashby说:"我想让它像家一样温馨,就像我自己房子的延伸。从本质上讲,它是一个大空间,用书柜把我们的工作室和陈列室分开。我把它设置成一个起居室、书房、餐厅和休息室,以创造一种住宅的感觉。“
The building was “a blank canvas” when Sophie took it on. Luckily, “everything just looks good in there, it’s like a gallery setting,” she continues, explaining “I wanted it to feel homely and welcoming, like an extension of my own house. Essentially, it's one large space with bookcases that divide our studio and the showroom. I set it up as a sitting room, study, dining room and lounge to create a residential feel. “
随着Studio Ashby成为这个神奇历史遗址的下一个保管人,Sophie Ashby希望为所有游客创造一种家的感觉。从从客户到姐妹购物者和品牌合作伙伴,Studio Ashby在Blewcoat的任期内将看到它转变为一个首选目的地,它将与我们美好的社区联系起来并使之成长。
As Studio Ashby become the next custodians of this magical and historic site, Sophie Ashby hope to create a sense of home for all who visit. From clients to Sister shoppers and brand partners, Studio Ashby’s tenure at Blewcoat will see it transformed into a go-to destination, that will connect with and grown our wonderful community.
Interiors:Studio Ashby