

The project for 180 Dance school, seeks to renovate a typical industrial space in the city of Madrid with a very restricted budget. The 1000m2 of dance studios, dressing rooms and offices of the school had been last renovated in the 70s and the space really claimed for a drastic change. We decided to create a new central and public space where the dancers could gather and encounter. This was done by a simple gesture, by emptying the enclosed, dark, private spaces and corridors, opening up the ceiling that blinded the gabled roof and tearing down the excessive walls to expose the structure of the building and catch a great amount of natural light.
▼项目概览,Overall view
▼从楼梯望向接待处,View from the stairs to the reception
We also preserved and recycled the old materials and furniture, improving their functionality and beauty, by covering, painting or cleaning them. From the desire to recover and reinvent instead of throwing away, we worked with from a restrained use of just two materials. These are high-density board and corrugated polycarbonate. All the rest of the materials are used, leaving them raw or maintaining and recovering the existing carpentry instead of replacing them. As a great ally of the project, the color applied to walls, floors and ceilings complements, unifies and generated attractive and functional spaces.
▼将建筑结构裸露出来,Expose the structure
▼公共空间,Public space
▼更衣室,Fitting room
▼楼梯间,The stairs
The result is a fresh and colored space that talks about the past and about the future of the school. The projects defines the spirit of 180DANZA, an artistic and cultural extension of the contemporary dance classes taught by its teachers that has today became an active, cultural and versatile space.
▼建筑材料细节,Details of the construction materials
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼AA剖面图,AA section
▼DD、FF、EE剖面图,DD、FF、EE section
project: DANZA 180
design: CumuloLimbo Studio
Instagram @cumulolimbo_
photographer: Javier de Paz García / ESTUDIOBALLOON
Instagram: @javierdepazgarcia
The Photographer: Javier de Paz García
client [inkl. :Danza 180. C. de Cea Bermúdez, 45, Madrid.
site of the project: Madrid, Spain
completion date: September 2021
total area : 450 m²
cooperating persons/extended team: Natalia Matesanz Ventura, Jorge López Hidalgo, Laura De Torres, Irene Landa, Clara Guixeras Miró.