

Zaha Hadid Architects and Chicago-based ArchAgenda launch METROTOPIA, a unique metaverse venture dedicated to becoming the virtual communication hub for the global design community.
▼METROTOPIA鸟瞰图,aerial view of METROTOPIA
Metrotopia Metaverse以虚拟威尼斯建筑双年展《知识转移》宣告启动,展示了世界领先的建筑工作室的当前作品,这些工作室包括OMA、Morphosis、Coop Himmelb(l)au、UnStudio、MAD、Sou Fujimoto、Archi-Union、LAVA、CAP、EcoLogic Studio和ZHA。
The Metrotopia Metaverse launched with a virtual Venice Architecture Biennale exhibition entitled ‘Knowledge Transfer’ displaying current works from some of the world ’s leading architecture studios including OMA, Morphosis, Coop Himmelb(l)au, UnStudio, MAD, Sou Fujimoto, Archi-Union, LAVA, CAP, EcoLogic Studio and ZHA.
▼METROTOPIA主体建筑,main building of METROTOPIA
▼NFTism 展馆,NFTism Gallery
该展览回应了由Lesley Lokko为第18届威尼斯建筑双年展提出的大主题“未来的实验室”(The Laboratory of the Future)。METROTOPIA是建筑双年展同期活动的一部分,其中包括CityX,一个位于威尼斯云端的虚拟展馆群,旨在展示全球建筑学教师的研究工作,以及由纽约理工学院主办的、位于芝诺比奥宫的实体展览(展示建筑学院学生作品)。METROTOPIA还将参加今年晚些时候举办的芝加哥建筑双年展。
The exhibition responds to the overarching theme of the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale put forward by Lesley Lokko, “The Laboratory of the Future”. Metrotopia is a segment of the Architecture Biennale collateral event that includes CityX, a swarm of virtual pavilions hovering above Venice showing the research work of architecture teachers from around the world, as well as a physical exhibition at Palazzo Ca Zenobio hosted by the New York Institute of Technology and presenting student works from many schools of architecture. Metrotopia will also contribute to the Chicago Architecture Biennial later this year.
▼Minimaforms 作品 – Nodeul Island,Nodeul Island by Minimaforms
▼OMA作品 – 未来医院,The Hospital of the future by OMA
▼Ali Rahim作品 – 礼嘉智慧公园创新中心西区,Lijia Smart Park Innovation Center West District by Ali Rahim
▼UNstudio 作品 – FOUR Frankfurt,FOUR Frankfurt by UNstudio
▼上海创盟国际作品 – “瑞雪” 展馆,Ruixue Multi-hall by Archiunion
▼Coop Himmelblau作品 – 深圳市当代艺术与城市规划馆,Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) by Coop Himmelblau
Metrotopia Metaverse是使用虚幻5引擎构建的多人虚拟环境,在栩栩如生的环境中呈现逼真社交活动的空间音效,并允许设计物件与空间的特质被忠实地可视化。Metrotopia的技术合作伙伴与实现平台是Mytaverse。
Metrotopia Metaverse is multi-player virtual environment built with Unreal Engine 5, featuring spatial sound for realistic communicative interaction within a lifelike setting that allows the character and quality of designed objects and spaces to be faithfully visualized. Metrotopia’s technology partner and hosting platform is Mytaverse.
▼LAVA 作品 – Mexico Monde d’eau Hotel Resort,Mexico Monde d’eau Hotel Resort by LAVA
▼MAD作品 – 云洞图书馆,The Cloudscape by MAD
Aspiring to become a virtual city and creative culture-industry hub for the wider design ecosystem, Metrotopia brings together all design disciplines including urban design, architecture, interiors, furniture design, product design, fashion design, graphic design, plus related schools, galleries, museums, exhibitions, Design weeks, Biennales, awards and conferences, as well as related publishing houses, magazines and web-media.
▼南加州建筑学院作品, Projects from SCI-Arc Faculty
Metrotopia’s first incubator building and an initial urban core has been designed by ZHA with intervisible spaces now available. More architects and interior designers will soon come together to create a diverse, multi-authored cityscape delivering the kind of co-location synergies we cherish in the most vibrant city districts.
▼藤本壮介作品 – 深圳前海新城市中心地标塔,Landmark Tower by SouFujimoto
▼ZHA作品 – 丽泽SOHO,Leeza soho by ZHA
▼丽泽SOHO与新城市中心地标塔,Leeza soho and Landscape Tower
▼平台使用截图,Platform Screenshots
Founders: Zaha Hadid Architects and ArchAgenda
Urban and Architectural Design of virtual environment:
lead by Patrik Schumacher
Metaverse Map Design:
ZHA CODE: Jennifer Durand, Shajay Bhooshan, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth.
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez.
Exhibition building Levels Design:
ZHA CODE: Binru Wang, Jianfei Chu, Shajay Bhooshan, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth
ZHA IA: Bidisha Sinha, Chhavi Mehta, Marco Pavoni
Metaverse Integration for Unreal Engine:
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
ZHA CODE: Jennifer Durand, Keerti Manney
Metaverse Content Optimisation:
ZHA CODE: Sergio Mutis, Keerti Manney, Jennifer Durand, Taeyoon Kim, Ling Mao, Henry David Louth, Vishu Bhooshan
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
Documentation Graphics & Multimedia:
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
ZHA CODE: Taeyoon Kim, Jennifer Durand, Keerti Manney, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth, Shajay Bhooshan
Metrotopia Technology Partner and Hosting Platform:
Curators: Patrik Schumacher, Daniela Ghertovici,
Virtual Exhibition Design at Metrotopia:
ZHA CODE:Keerti Manney, Jennifer Durand, Taeyoon Kim, Henry David Louth, Vishu Bhooshan, Shajay Bhooshan
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
ZHA IA: Bidisha Sinha, Chhavi Mehta, Marco Pavoni
ZHA EXHIBITIONS AND ARCHIVES: Manon Janssens and Melodie Leung
Virtual Exhibition Integration for Unreal Engine5:
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
ZHA CODE: Jennifer Durand, Keerti Manney
Virtual Exhibition Content Optimisation:
ZHA CODE: Sergio Mutis, Keerti Manney, Jennifer Durand, Taeyoon Kim, Ling Mao, Henry David Louth, Vishu Bhooshan
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
Virtual Exhibition Documentation Graphics & Multimedia:
ZHVR: Jose Pareja Gomez
ZHA CODE: Taeyoon Kim, Jennifer Durand, Keerti Manney, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth, Shajay Bhooshan
Contributing Exhibitors and Projects
OMA, The Hospital of the Future.
Coop Himmelb(l)au, Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE)
Sou Fujimoto Architects, Landmark Tower
UNStudio, Four Frankfurt
Morphosis, Jinhua Cultural Centre
MAD, The Cloudscape
Archi-Union Architects, RuiXue Multi-Hall
Contemporary Architecture Practice, Lijia Smart Park Innovation Center West District
LAVA, Mexico Monde D’eau Hotel Resort
Zaha Hadid Architects, Leeza Soho Tower
Zaha Hadid Architects for Kenny Schachter, NFTism exhibition: Open Book
Minimaforms, Nodeul Island
EcoLogicStudio, Habitat One: The Architecture of the Carbon Neutral City
SCI-Arc Faculty, Projects by Studio Kinch, Soomeenhahm Design and Studio Igor Pantic, Lifeforms.io, Brash Collective, Kordae Jatafa Henry, Jeremy Kamal, Angelica Lorenzi, Jennifer Chen