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2023/06/06 15:35:47
—— 贝聿铭
"I began to understand why I felt that the Mosque of Córdoba was not the true representative of the essence of Islam I sought, it was too luxurious and too gorgeous, and if one said that one had found the core of Islamic architecture, shouldn’t it be located in the desert, with a solemn and concise design, and the sun reviving the form? Finally, at the Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo, Egypt, I finally came closer to the "truth" and believed that I had found what I had been looking for. ” —— I.M. Pei
Context and History
Ande Town is located in Pidu District, Chengdu, the birthplace of "Pixian Douban", the location of China’s Sichuan cuisine industrialization base and the core area of Douban industrial culture.
西有郫都,百年风韵,时光流转,岁月变迁。300 余年的漫长岁月,豆瓣在郫县这片土地上留下深深的印记,更甚连空气中都弥漫着豆瓣的浓香。郫县豆瓣的秘方于其集山间灵气,取日月精华而孕育,是人与自然,食物与自然的高度融合。将一切交给时间和空间,在自然环境中发酵、晾晒...
In the west, there is Pidu, a century-old charm. Time goes by, time changes; over 300 years, Douban has left a deep imprint on the land of Pi County, and even the air is filled with the fragrance of Douban. The secret recipe of Pixian Douban is that it gathers the spiritual energy of the mountains, and is nurtured by the essence of the sun and the moon...
设 计 构 思
Design Concept
The project design aims to undertake the special context of the site, integrate the characteristics of the forest pan and the park city, cross different spaces, and open up the memory of the wandering experience.
By解构 the production process of Douban, we found some design ideas. Extract the necessary elements in the production of Douban, use architectural design language to integrate the local conditions, heritage, and history, add some scenes and activities, and highlight the importance of Douban absorbing the essence of the sun and moon and drying. This enables the Douban Museum to establish an invisible connection between the past and the present, helping us to feel the cultural essence behind Pixian Douban, and also brings more interactive spaces for tourists and villagers, which is both culturally appealing and meets the needs of contemporary leisure and vacation.
By deconstructing the Douban production process, we found some design ideas. Extract the required elements in the production of Douban, use the architectural design language to integrate the nostalgia, heritage, history, and add some scenes and activities to highlight the importance of Douban absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon and sunning. The Douban Museum invisibly establishes the connection between the past and the present, helps us feel the cultural essence behind the Douban in Pixian County, and also brings more interactive space for tourists and villagers, which is both cultural appeal and meets the needs of contemporary leisure and vacation.
Slowly ferment with time to make the sauce fragrant.
The roof openings simulate the linear arrangement of the tanning plant, and the rough stones collide with each other, mixed with faint light and shadow, and the Zen is ready to come out.
入口广场的设计增强了进入博物馆的仪式感,在进入博物馆之前,缓坡能从视线和体验上让游客更沉浸式地感受大田景观,同时接待中心下沉的 1.5 米缓坡弱化了从一层接待中心到负一层展馆的“下降感”,保证了更流畅自然的参观体验。减少设计语言,削弱行走时的关注点,令人的心境趋于平静,在徐徐清风中感受微妙的仪式感和序列感。The design of the entrance square enhances the sense of ceremony of entering the museum, before entering the museum, the gentle slope can let visitors feel the landscape of the field more immersively from the line of sight and experience, while the 1.5-meter gentle slope of the reception center weakens the "sense of descent" from the reception center on the first floor to the negative floor of the pavilion, ensuring a smoother and more natural visiting experience. Minimize the design language, weaken the focus of the walk, calm the mind, and feel the subtle sense of ceremony and sequence in the gentle breeze.
Light and shadow reflect the overlap of interior and exterior in the crisscrossing architectural space, and the clean and pure architectural structure gives the space a sense of layering and ritual. The spatial layout further follows the logical progressive relationship and forms a spatial sequence.
Leaving everything to time and space, the circulation flow in nature under humid air, rich raw materials, and large roofs that can project sunlight to shelter from wind and rain. We try to use the architectural language to penetrate and express the Douban production process, deeply study the process details and raw materials of Douban, deconstruct the long time traveled by Pixian Douban, and the unique beauty of the space behind it. Space Blends From the prologue hall, tourists naturally participate in the production sequence of Douban. First, they go through the mildew of broad beans and the sun exposure of peppers, immerse themselves in the feeling of soy sauce simmering, enter the interesting experience of turning Douban, feel the dew baptism experienced by Douban at night, pass through the drying yard in the atrium, and after the fermentation of time, they move towards the functional halls on the first and second floors and the outdoor interactive space.
Starting from the prologue hall, visitors naturally participate in the production sequence of watercress and first go through the mold of fava beans and the sun of chili peppers, immerse themselves in the sauce aroma boiling, enter the interesting experience of turning watercress at night, feel the dew baptism experienced by watercress at night, through the tanning field in the atrium, after the fermentation of time, to the functional halls and outdoor interactive spaces on the first and second floors.
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