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2021/12/31 10:53:06
2021 年 12 月 29 日下午,中科院深圳理工大学(筹)正式破土动工。从年初公开招标在 53 家竞赛团体中以 14 名备选再入围前五,我们最终以“编码 自然”的规划概念,为中科院深圳理工大学(筹)提出一个颠覆传统、面向未来的先锋校园设计方案,并拔得头筹(联合中国建筑科学研究院、WADI)。
On the afternoon of December 29th, SIAT Campus officially broke ground. Our proposal "Coded Nature" (in collaboration with CABR and WADI) had won the first prize in the international tender for Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology after a tough competition with some of the most globally renowned architectural firms.
Contemporary universities are undergoing a profound transformation, research institutions and disciplines are renewing, students’ lifestyle and social environments are changing, learning methods and knowledge sharing models are evolving, all these factors raise new opportunities for campus planning and design. Building an innovative campus that will train future industry leaders, in the site where Guangming New City connects to its ecological protection area, in Shenzhen, the core of innovation and pioneering enterprises, is an exciting challenge.
The site is located between a sensitive ecological zone and the upcoming Guangming Tech City. The water runoff is reorganized into a series of ecological creeks that form a resilient flood protection system. They work as the ecological structure of the site, defining the boundaries of 6 compact mixed-use clusters. The original reservoir is renovated, expanding southward to become the central spine of the campus. Thus, a new multi-layered water system is designed to mitigate flood risk, while providing at the same time a rich palette of spatial experiences and a healthy habitat for the school.
© reMIXstudio(SSR)
SIAT LOOP 将聚落式校园高效地串联起来,形成互联互通的校园交通网络,它是校园慢行环,将无车校园高效地串联起来,使师生可以风雨无阻地到达每个校园组团。同时亦是低碳能量环,象征着 SIAT 在践行低碳理念的决心。
中央湖周边形成滨水活力之环,串联各个室内外公共休闲设施,水上运动、多级绿道、才艺剧场,都围绕滨水空间有机展开,西纳市域绿道激活城市链,东与郊野绿道衔接,形成一个城市与自然共生、青春活力的 SIAT PARK。
Public facilities such as the international centre and library sit on the west boundary, directly facing the street, forming an active urban interface. They are also important facilities to be shared with the city, while the three–in–one clusters are located next to the hill, embedded into the terrain, facing the central lake. They are the engine of the campus. The loop connects all the clusters of the campus, offering an integrated school environment. As a mobility link, it provides efficient connections in this car-free campus, giving students and teachers a rain-proof access to all the teaching facilities. It is also an energy ring demonstrating the ambition of SIAT to work towards a carbon neutral campus. Around the central lake, a slow traffic network organizes indoor and outdoor leisure programs, water sports, bike and jogging trails, plazas, amphitheatres, etc. Such network connects to the planned city trails in the west, and the mountain trails of Guangming Forest Park in the east, making the university an open campus without fences.
© reMIXstudio(SSR) 位于校园核心位置的湖畔图书馆,将成为引领校园的人文地标。地景中升起的建筑主体,内部盘旋而上的图书检索序列,从 A 到 Z,从人文艺术到科技前沿,将一系列主题的馆中馆串联起来,塑造一个集学习、展示、社交、路演功能一体的综合体,并提供多种多样的阅读和学习体验。适应亚热带气候特征的半透遮阳表皮将其多孔通透的体型包裹起来,漂浮水上,充满律动又保持神秘。
The lakeside library is close to the main entrance of the campus, also an important resource for the whole city. The building emerges from the landscape as a spiralling sequence of ramps filled with books, from A to Z, from humanities to technologies, connecting a series of thematic spaces, forming a complex that accommodates a multitude of programs: learning, exhibition, conference, etc. Its porous volume is covered with a semi-permeable skin that adapts to the local sub-tropical climate as if floating on water, it looks dynamic and mysterious.
紧邻山体的三院一体组团遵循低影响开发的设计理念,尊重原有地形自然形成三级台地,最大程度的保持环境本底。书院、学院、研究院不设边界,5 分钟之内彼此便利互通,形成生活、学习、科研连贯的校园生活体验。LOOP 东侧形成嵌入山麓的书院院落,多孔的体型,利于自然采光和通风,六个不同主题的书院将会成为沉淀 SIAT 校园精神和文化的独特场所。LOOP 西侧形成面向湖畔的学研中心,高度灵活的模块化设计,旨在打破学科之间的物理壁垒,以平台打通楼体的跨学科交流区,是学科交叉发展的天然土壤。
The architectural design of the three-in-one clusters is based on low-impact-development principles, forming a series of terraces to minimize the earthwork and its ecological impact. These pedestrian friendly clusters are scaled to allow a mix of dorms, labs and classrooms within a 5min walk, forming a holistic and seamless life experiences for teachers and students. On the east side of the loop, the college courtyards are gently stepping on the hills, porous massing promotes natural ventilation and lighting. Six themed courtyards offer students a feeling of belonging and unique identity. On the west side of the loop, the lab centre spans along the central lake. Modular design ensures maximum flexibility for future changes, breaking boundaries between conventional school departments. Sky bridges connect adjacent lab zones, allowing spontaneous inter-disciplinary discussion and collaboration.
© reMIXstudio(Vision Widget)
中科院深圳理工大学(筹)以创新科研为己任,直面 21 世纪最为紧迫的气候变化和社会问题。校园本身就是未来环境友好人居方式的探索基地,不同组团践行不同的先锋城市模式,探讨校园与自然共生的全新范式。自然、科技与校园建筑的深度交互,赋予各个组团鲜明的空间特质,培养对人类发展具有前瞻性思维的青年领袖。
SIAT takes innovative scientific research as its mission, facing the social and climatic challenges of the 21st century, the camps itself is a test bed for new eco-friendly living models. Each cluster is a different prototype of urbanization in symbiosis with nature. The interaction between nature, technology and architecture gives unique spatial identities, cultivating forward-looking young leaders that will shape the future of our cities.
项目: 编码自然-中科院深圳理工大学(筹)
年份: 2021
地点: 中国,深圳
规模: 建筑 551,600 平方米
reMIX 团队:
主持建筑师: 陈忱, Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino
项目建筑师: 吕守拓, Javier Pelaez
项目组: 聂鹏, Marco Navarro, 许诺凡, 陈婧慧, 郑新然, 顾媛, 李梅康, 王子凡, 林奕薇, 王翊人, 王萌萌
肖从真,任志翔,赵耀,杨春翔,沈康惠,段燕,王国军,夏梓赫,贺金梅,李小雪,刘春雷,任瑞文, 赵明东, 郭辰,侯毓,李茗茜,曹立双,周兆发,王国立,王国彬,邓小云,杨威,佟文鸽,王强,刘学,周瑶,王鑫磊
制作团队:视件设计 (多媒体),丝路视觉科技股份有限公司 (渲染图),深圳市微创模型设计有限公司 (模型)
Project: Coded Nature: Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Campus Design
Year: 2021
Location: Shenzhen, China
Size: architecture 551,600 sqm
reMIXstudio Team:
Partners: Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino
Project Architects: Lv Shoutuo, Javier Pelaez
Nie Peng,
Marco Navarro, Xu Nuofan,
Chen Jinghui,
Zheng Xinran, Guyuan, Meikang Li, Wang Zifan, Lin Yiwei, Wang Yiren, Wang Mengmeng
CABR Team: Xiao Congzhen,
Ren Zhixiang, Zhao Yao, Yang Chunxiang, Shen Kanghui, Duan Yan, Wang Guojun, Xia Zihe, He Jinmei, Li Xiaoxue, Liu Chunlei, Ren Ruiwen, Zhao Mingdong, Guo Chen, Hou Yu, Li Mingqian, Cao Lishuang, Zhou Zhaofa, Wang Guoli, Wang Guobin, Deng Xiaoyun, Yang Wei, Tong Wenge, Wangqiang, Liu Xue, Zhou Yao, Wang Xinlei
WADI Team:
Wu Hao, Li Chen, Du Chao, Guo Shuyue, He Yixuan, Guo Qi, Li Zhi, Zheng Jun, Yuan Junying, Hu Zuobei, Shen Junrong
External Production: visionwidget (video), SSR (rendering), Shenzhen Minimally Invasive Model Design Co., Ltd (physical model)
reMIXstudio | 临界工作室,一间致力于打破专业和尺度界限的空间工作室。三位创始人 - Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto and Nicola Saladino - 分别来自不同的学术研究背景并在多个国际性事务所在多尺度多类型的设计实践中积累了丰富的经验。我们涉足建筑设计,景观设计以及城市规划设计,并尤以其中的交叉性、综合性的设计为专长。我们将城市理解为一个复杂的动态系统,跨领域、跨尺度、系统性的工作方式是我们多方面考虑城市设计问题的前提。生态的可持续发展原则是我们贯穿始终的设计理念。我们致力于打破专业界限,将建筑及其环境景观视作相辅相成,互为完善的总体整合设计,打造连贯、协调、可持续的现代城市建成环境。
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