

New office for Inbo Shanghai
Since the Dutch design studio Inbo, headquartered in Amsterdam, touched down in Shanghai in 2015, it rapidly developed a stable entity in the shared workspace of former Anken Warehouse. In 2019, Inbo Shanghai relocated to a new and independent office space in the heart of the Jing’An district. In the new building, managed by DoBe and two floors occupied by WeWork, Inbo Shanghai is part of a vibrant and diverse community.
Being part of a community was the basic thought behind the design of the new office space. Where neighboring companies favor privacy and construct closed walls at their entrance on the corridor, Inbo deliberately chose for transparency and use the opportunity to create an area for knowledge exchange and inspiration. Accompanied by a modest exhibition area, the shared corridor became a pleasant space and a welcoming entrance area for all users and visitors of the companies on this floor.
From both the shared corridor as the office unit, the three glass facades of the office space offer excellent views to Jing’Ans street life and the garden balcony with its neighboring fish-tank. To keep those views open for everyone, required storage space is organized in low cabinets, or above the glass corridor wall. The low cabinets function as the platform to exhibit publications, models and ongoing work.
Circular furniture
The cabinets are designed with circular ambitions. The furniture was carefully designed and engineered with the supplier, which led to an efficient prefabrication process with a minimum of waste. The lower cabinets are partitioned into movable and reusable elements. The upper cabinets have a perforated wooden panel finishing with magnet fixation and a light steel structure which can easily be dismantled and reused. The used materials follow the guidelines for low-radiation and low volatile toxics.
To benefit from the unique quality of the garden balcony, a new main entrance was created right next to it, to give Inbo’s visitors the impression of entering through the garden. The same impression one will get in the meeting space next to the garden, making it a comfortable environment for informal meetings and brainstorm sessions.
Interactive artwork
The only closed wall of the unit was outfitted with an interactive artwork. Inbo has a humanistic approach. What we do, we do with and for people. Therefore visitors are asked to indicate their birthplace on the worldmap to have an overview of Inbo’s network of clients, collaborators and friends; our network of the people we do it for.
Healthy working environment
The workstations are adjustable in height to accommodate a variety of work-modes for the employees. Chairs have an ergonomic design and individually adjustable to adopt the ideal working posture. Air purifiers provide filtered clean air, continuously monitored by the purifiers automatic sensors and a separate measuring device of a third party. The floor heating contributes to a comfortable working environment in each season and has a positive effect on the reduction of energy consumption for heating. The LED lighting is only necessary when the natural daylight is not sufficient. The LED has a low energy consumption and is also easy to dismantle and reuse.
The Inbo team moved to the new office in April 2019. The official opening ceremony was in August 2019. Are you interested in our office and/or our work? Read the other articles, visit our website at
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