

由 Aedas 全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)带领团队设计的欢聚集团产业互联总部坐落于广佛发展先导试验区的三龙湾。该片区汇聚全球高新产业,辐射粤港澳大湾区,致力于打造成为国际化创新示范新区。
The industrial interconnection headquarters of the global leading technology internet company, JOYY Inc., is located in Foshan Sanlongwan, a high-end intelligent manufacturing and innovation gathering area. The project offers a vibrant commercial area as well as a quiet retreat encompassing sequestered offices and serviced apartments laden with green, open spaces.
别具一格的端部设计 Integeration of towerpodium
"Gleaning from the depth of our experience in the field, we seek to reconcile form, function and cost to create a new landmark for the Sanlongwan area that will become a token of technology and innovation,” said Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai.
Viaduct perspective night view
项目地处广佛两地接壤的三龙湾高端创新聚集区,是粤港澳大湾区建设的核心平台。基地面积广大,规划用地总面积约 77,716 平方米,以橹尾大桥及港口路为界分为 A、B 两个地块。其中 A 地块三面环水,周边盘绕高架,地铁双线交汇于此,与广州南站仅一河之隔,高铁驶出便可路观建筑,有着极佳的城市展示面;B 地块面积紧凑,北部亦有滨河绿地景观。
With a total planned area of circa 77,716 sq m, the site is divided into two plots. Plot A is surrounded by water and elevated highways, with superb urban display, whereas plot B is a compact area that overlooks a green riverside landscape to its north.
地块区位示意图 Site location
A、B 地块业态多元、相得益彰。A and B have diverse formats。团队从互联网连接万物,可聚可放的特质中汲取灵感,将“聚放”关系深度融入到功能布局、建筑形态以及空间体验之中。
Inspired by the company’s corporate culture, the design masterplanning illustrates the idea of a place that draws in talent while its creative energy emanates outwards, expressed in the functional layout and architectural form.
A 地块设计手稿
A 地块业态多元,承载着总部及配套功能,设计基于 TOD 理念,采用以核心交通空间为中心、功能发散分布的布局形式,寓意万物汇聚,聚指成拳。由五栋办公楼模块组成的总部大楼呈放射状,以中心露天广场为圆心向滨河延伸,外部通过环状体形成塔楼间的连接,内部中心处以边庭与连廊相连形成环形“交通核”,与集中设置在西南处的 TOD 上盖配套功能无缝连接。疏密之间,最大限度提升了建筑的景观视野,并以富有视觉冲击力的轮廓构建出包容开放的整体形象,形成聚放有度的企业展示名片。
Plot A is comprised of the headquarters and supporting functions. Based on the principles of TOD, the design layout is expressed with a core traffic space around which other functions are distributed. The building is composed of five radial office building modules, extending to the riverside from a central open-air plaza. Each office module contains supporting facilities including service business, indoor basketball court and annular open-air courtyard to generate a work-live dynamic. The towers are externally connected by a crescent-shaped volume, while the inner center is connected with a peripheral courtyard and corridor. The dense and precise arrangement maximizes landscape view and conveys an open, powerful portal image, forming a corporate display business card.
A 地块标志性的建筑造型鸟瞰图
A bird’s-eye view of the iconic shape of Plot A
业态布局 Functional disposition
部分办公水平布局 Office horizontal layout (Partial)
Entrance of the industrial interconnection headquarters
Countering the long, uninterrupted building facade of nearly a thousand meters, the building blocks are constructed in a jagged fashion, engendering a rhythmic outline and a layered development. The design dissolves the boundary between architecture and nature through introducing terraces and setback spaces that echo Lingnan’s landscape, and a public courtyard area from elevating the first floor. The unique contour and abundant greenery amount to a pleasant park atmosphere.
复杂的体块边缘 Complex mass edges
错落有秩的立面效果 The well-proportioned facade of rendering
Premised on the notion of open exchange, the design creates an indoor sharing space at the heart of the office floor for easy access, as well as an outdoor public sharing space. These seamless collaborative areas serve to foster an uninhibited interactive atmosphere, stimulating creativity and innovation.
The open indoor sharing area
B 地块办公户外共享空间
Outdoor public sharing area of Plot B
Corridor open-air atrium
同时,为了保证办公环境阳光充足,不产生屏幕眩光,团队在立面设计大进深檐口,达到透景不透光的舒适视觉感,也降低了 61%的外立面热辐射,减少了室内温度调控压力,起到节能减排作用。
To create a comfortable office environment suffused with natural light, the design introduces wide and deep cornices on the facade, reducing the thermal radiation and minimizing the need for indoor temperature calibration. It doubles up as a sustainability feature that contributes to energy saving and emission reduction.
Large-depth cornice facade rendering
Large-depth cornice facade diagram
B 地块面积紧凑,设计延续“聚放”概念,以活力街区、中心广场以及公园绿地构建出贯穿地块的生态空间,公寓、办公业态围绕分布,商业空间置于底层,并通过空中连廊无缝连接各独栋建筑,形成公共空间围绕核心集中而庭院对外开放的高效办公复合园区。建筑采用一致的建筑语言,沿江一侧独栋建筑高低错落,屋顶绿化与沿街一侧塔楼的空中花园,一同营造出多维绿化的城市山水,呼应岭南风光,因地制宜地将活力注入办公街区与自然环境之中。
Plot B extends the design concept in a compact layout. It contains an apartment tower, an office tower, and four single-family office buildings of differing height; each attached with a retail block underneath. A sky corridor threads through the individual buildings along the river, with concentrated public spaces at the core and courtyards scattered around. Coupled with the green roofs and the sky gardens introduced in the towers along the street, the design creates a multi-dimensional green urban landscape, forming a high-efficiency and vibrant office park.
B 地块鸟瞰图
Aerial view of Plot B
错落有致的 B 地块园区立面
The well-proportioned facade of Plot B
建筑面积:443,956 平方米
主要设计人:韦业启(Ken Wai),全球设计董事