

生命从一点持续旋转到另一点,山川百源。心脏从低点攀升跳跃到最高点,源源不断。血管里流淌着湘楚文化的 DNA,源远流长。源于心、践于行。源起故土,跃动潇湘。
Life continued rotation from one point to another point, mountains and rivers source. Heart climb from low jump to the highest point, a steady stream. The DNA of xiang chu culture in his veins, has a long history. From the heart, the practice in line. Origin country, vigor xiaoxiang. Cloud, water, trees and flowers are all natural thing in the world, due to the way of nature. Rest, begets, ChanJing, cycle of its origin, source and tireless. In this huge world turn we swim mountain sea. Looking for the origin of the world, looking for inner end-result. Out of the rain, the water’s flowers. Can sit here, why in the mountains.
洋湖北靠风光旖旎的岳麓山,东临滔滔湘江,美丽的靳江河、雅河共同滋养着这片热土。占地 7000A 排放标准,在辖区内实现对湘江水体污染物零排放。丰富的生态资源,优美的自然景观,使洋湖成为了享誉盛名的“两型高地”。
The lake of north yueli mountain by the scenic, doing a xiangjiang river in the east, beautiful jin river, river nourished this well-loved place together. Covers an area of 7000 mu, the central region of the biggest cities in the wetland scenic area, the lake wetland park, one, two, three phase has been built and opening up, known as "green lung" of the city of changsha, and "green kidney". The forerunner recycled water effluent water quality reaches the national level of the lake A emission standards, within the jurisdiction of the xiangjiang river water pollutant zero emissions. The rich ecological resources, beautiful natural landscape, make the lake become a renowned "two high".
Build her mountain lake is located in the yueli district in the lake district, even no trail, cui lotus road in the east, north near the pond road, south near the south third ring road green belts, recycled water, west near the lake in the west jin river sight, landscape and the advantages of public education.
"Guest-greeting pine" art installation in meditation, the concentration in the concept "wild kuang days low tree, approachable Jiang Qing month" open-minded realm.
Through the waterfall cave, into the cloud on land, in the actual condition and body piece of deconstruction in the combination of the space awareness static grace, Galois’s deep meditation.
In the body of the piece with the order of construction nothing, let nature and heaven and earth tan dialogue. Presence of intergeneration, compete in; Mountain stream, all-powerful.
从岳麓山的三亿年山脉中提取设计灵感,凝练湘楚文化的 DNA 元素,在墨、蓝墨茶、炭、焦茶、柴染、玄黄中演绎穿梭三亿年的地壳运动,在黑与白的对立构建中感受焦茶玛奇朵的馥郁飘香,体验潇湘文化中西合璧的源远流长。
Extract design inspiration from the yueli mountain of the three hundred million mountains, concise DNA elements of xiang chu culture, tea in ink, blue ink, carbon, coke, tea, wood dyeing, xuan Huang Zhong deduce shuttle crustal movement in three hundred million, in the process of building of black and white feeling macchiato focal tea fragrant fragrance, xiaoxiang culture has a long history of Chinese and western experience.
In block penetration, line cutting, mix build in geometric cubist "cloud in the blue water in the bottle" the artistic conception of space. Azalea blossoms with delicate and charming character, the space added a sense of ritual atmosphere in silence and flow.
Made in heaven, take a gourd ladle the xiangjiang river freeze water boil a pot of tea, sit on the blue waves, view mountain view water view at home. Zen tea blindly, pleasure of life. Extraordinarily fortunate, sit forget: "here can sit, and why in the mountains."
To view the boundless universe, life is eye. Water to awaken, wangshan to resolve. View mountain view water view, yangxin resolve means.
项目地址|中国 长沙
开发商 |中建信和地产有限公司
设计时间|2022 年 04 月
完工时间|2022 年 09 月