东南亚风格竹制凉亭丨印度丨STUDIO ARO

2023/03/08 00:10:52
不用华丽的文字来表达项目,平白实在才是真理!!!我是 KOL“勾勾手刘志广”,用“粤语”来写作!看不明白,请多看香港电视或多唱“粤语”歌。。。
No fancy words to express the project, plain is the truth!!! I am Kol, “gogohands Liu Zhiguang”, to write in “Cantonese”. Do not understand, please watch more Hong Kong TV or sing more “Cantonese”songs...
东南亚风格竹制凉亭丨印度丨STUDIO ARO-2
东南亚风格竹制凉亭丨印度丨STUDIO ARO-3
勾勾手刘广智生活记录 GogoHands Liu Guangzhi life record
前天劲哥过来取经,因为他在从化有 100 亩左右的农地,想开发个主题营地,想来看下我们的产品的同时,想了解下项目报建手续,更想通过我的见解让他对营地投资运营获得一定的理解!
Brother Jin came to learn from the experience the day before yesterday, because he has about 100 mu of agricultural land in Conghua, and wants to develop a theme camp. He wants to see our products, understand the project application procedures, and let him get a certain understanding of the camp investment and operation through my opinion!
东南亚风格竹制凉亭丨印度丨STUDIO ARO-7
凉亭是用几种竹子和藤条建造的,通过结合多个拱门和圈梁,创建了一个底层框架,使结构具有强度。Bambusa balcooa 被拆分以获得灵活性,然后被捆绑在一起形成拱门,Bambusatulda 被用于主要屋顶结构和屋顶垫。甘蔗被整合用于表面处理和所有更精细的细节。在上部还设置了三个开口用于采光和通风,并在施工过程中临时搭建了一个天窗,以照亮复杂的网格结构。
The gazebo was built using several types of bamboo and cane, and by incorporating multiple arches and ring beams, an underlying framework was created to give the structure its strength. Bambusa balcooa was split for flexibility and then bunched together to create the arches, and Bambusa tulda was used for the main roof structure and the roof mats. Cane was integrated for finishing and all the finer details. Three openings were also given on the upper side for light and ventilation, and a skylight was improvised during the process of construction to illuminate the geometry of the intricate latticework.
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东南亚风格竹制凉亭丨印度丨STUDIO ARO-23
竹子生长在印度各地,但很难找到在适当的时间收获并经过适当处理的优质材料。当你建造一个需要持续多年的现代竹子结构时,这些方面是至关重要的。世界上许多最著名的竹子建筑公司都收获和处理自己的竹子,这也是我们 STUDIOARO 的工作。
Bamboo grows throughout India, but good quality material which is harvested at the right time and treated with the right process is hard to find. And when you are building a contemporary bamboo structure that needs to last many years these aspects are vital. Many of the best-known bamboo architecture firms in the world harvest and treat their own bamboo and this is something that we at STUDIOARO do as well.
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我从现有的蔚来花园、常州项目、桔子小镇、大新文创园、高明商业街项目、正在上马的屋面商业项目中,提出城市商业(商):蔚来房屋、乡村文旅(旅):景墅建筑 IP、新农村住宿(宿):微住宅三种分类作为我们农村地产的核心产品类目,在后面的文章中,我会慢慢地用这 3 个分类来介绍产品,请大家留意了!
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