Mrs Zhang Cake
Store appearance
Mrs Zhang Cake 在树下™新店选址位于一幢民国建筑内,建筑结构本身可改动性较少,合理分配就餐、后厨区域也就成了最重要的命题;我们既想保留建筑的稳定性,同样又不愿放弃空间的趣味感,所以整体的定位在于潮流与复古结合,让固定的空间可以随时间不断的变化。
Mrs Zhang Cake’s new store under the Tree ™ is located in a building of the Republic of China. The structure itself is less changeable. Reasonable distribution repast, hutch area also became the most important proposition after. We wanted to preserve both the stability of the building, but also not willing to give up the sense of fun of space. Therefore, the overall positioning lies in the combination of trend and retro, let the fixed space can change with time. ▼店铺入口, Store entrance.
The building is located beside the driveway of Jiefang South Road.
In order to consider the convenience and daily safety of rainy days,
Retract the gate that was at the edge of the road,
And decorated with beveled plants.
▼ 露天院落,
The first time you enter the building yard,
The old loquat tree came into my view,
At first sight, I felt that "she" was the real owner of the building,
Witness the wind and frost of The Times,
Along with the growth of architecture,
We developed the courtyard design around "her".
▼ 儿童游乐区,
Children’splay area
Such a comfortable open courtyard,How can it be exclusive to adults?Of course, you have to divide up a specific area,To be a playground for children,Parents can sit in the courtyard and eat,Watching children play with their friends,Security coexists with a sense of space.Unlock Weekend Harmony and Family Time.
▼ 1F 营业区,
1FService areas
The first entry into the architectural space,
First of all, the texture of the original building structure and wall was retained.
And let the space without any hard partition,
Fully open dining area,
In the future can be placed at will table, scene position,
Be flexible with your layout.
▼ 1F 主题包厢,
Theme rooms
The theme box on the first floor,
The main function is for children’s party, birthday celebration,
While providing specific box occasions.
Usually can also be a standard business area.
▼ 包豪斯包厢,
Bauhaus box
Tribute to the originator of modern design education,
The birth of public Bauhaus schools in Weimar,
It is undoubtedly a reform of the current design industry.
In the box layout mainly selected geometric design elements of furniture decoration.
Industrial style box
The traditional sense of industrial wind,
They may be made of wrought iron or stainless steel or cement,
This time we added the illustration part of the graphic design,
In the display board, hanging pictures, projection place for ornament,
Let the industrial wind is no longer so cold.
The old Shanghai box
The record player, the French buildings, the lace curtains and the bright tiles, Are all signs of the Shanghai beach.
In this box, in order to reflect the leisurely life of old Shanghai, We have a mahjong table at the end.
▼ 蒸汽波包厢,Steam wave box
Vaporwave 是一种艺术运动延伸出的音乐流派,
Vaporwave is a genre of music that extends from the art movement,
The expression of steam wave in the picture is particularly popular with the young generation.
This combination of retro and avant-garde,
Let the cyberpunk style come to you,
And this time we’re going to take it,
It’s all around you.
▼ 中古画室包厢,
Medieval studio box
There’s more to life than the present. There are poems and paintings. Medieval studio presentation, It was hoped that those who ate in the box could forget about life for a while, Immerse yourself in the artistic atmosphere, And can easily record the inspiration in the mind. ▼ Korean style small fresh box,
Quiet Korean fresh breeze,
Like a bashful romance in an idol drama,
Without being ostentatious,
But it definitely makes you feel deep inside.
▼3F 主题包厢,
Theme rooms
The theme box on the third floor has more seats. Scenarios are used more broadly. At the beginning of the business, the brand founder will set the scene first, for everyone to use and visit. In the later stage, it can be used for parties, birthday queues and team salons.
▼ 1F 建筑结构图,Original structure
▼ 1F 平面布置图,Plan
▼ 2F 建筑结构图,
Original structure
▼ 2F 平面布置图,
▼ 3F 建筑结构图,Original structure
▼ 3F 平面布置图,Plan
项 目 信 息
项 目 名 称 :Mrs Zhang Cake 在树下
项 目 地 址 :宁波解放南路 26#
项 目 面 积 :750㎡
设 计 时 间 :2020.12
设 计 团 队 :无中生有设计
设 计 总 监 :王凯利
设 计 团 队 :罗耀、杨忠艳
设 计 官 网 :
表 现 团 队 :金该视觉表现
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