

这个小房子窗户不多,光线有些昏暗,但有大木作屋顶和厚实的砖墙,隔绝了外界喧嚣,暖和的氛围令人平静。走进去,仿佛置 身于一个世外桃源,时间和方位感都变得模糊起来,让人萌生创造一个充满均质光的抽象世界的想法。
The small house has few windows and the light is somewhat dim, but it has a large wooden roof and thick brick walls that isolate from the outside noise. The warm atmosphere makes people calm. Stepping inside feels like entering a paradise, where time and direction become blurred, and one may even have the idea of creating an abstract world filled with homogeneous light.
▼开放厨房岛台,Open kitchen island
光 The light
现代和古典的空间呈现,其光源的位置和投射方向是不同的。 现代电灯多是从高处向下,直白的照亮空间,而古典烛火之光多是从低处向上渲染 。
The positioning and direction of light sources differ between modern and classical spatial presentations. Modern electric lights often shine directly from above, illuminating the space in a straightforward manner, while the light of classical candles mostly emanates from below, spreading.
▼就餐区,Dining area
The concept of uniform lighting in a dining space is not just a decorative element, but a crucial design element. By coordinating materials, colors, lighting, and space, the volume of the building components can be reduced. The restaurant space can be understood as two levels: the ceiling and the furniture. The suspended ceiling creates a uniform lighting effect through various height differences, eliminating the shadows and directionality created by natural light, thereby integrating the different parts of the interior into one cohesive space. The principle of “seeing light without seeing the lamp” is applied to the arrangement of lighting fixtures, to avoid glare and weaken the orientation of the light source, thus creating diffuse reflection of light on the ceiling. Sunlight panels are used as ceiling materials to filter the light and make it softer. The white self-leveling floor on the ground weakens the sense of materiality and light and shadow, further creating an abstract effect of homogeneous luminescence. Human civilization has been repeatedly shocked, destroyed, and overthrown in the torrent of history, but the fire of civilization has never been extinguished. The development of civilization never stops, and in the process, old concepts, ideas, systems, and cultural forms are overturned and renewed to meet the demands of the present era. This self-pruning is the wisdom of civilization, allowing it to keep up with the changing environment and the grand ambitions that transcend a single lifetime.
▼古典的空间,Classical spatial
家具 Furniture
食之六七的家具构件被消减到最小的极限,而非 19 世纪西方的家具那么庞大。这里的家具成为了最小的建筑构件, 为家具周围提供了更宽敞的空间。家具是透明的,而不是体量感十足的全新建筑构件。这样在用餐时,让低矮的视线通透一些,缓解小空间的封闭感。 家具、灯具和餐具在大小和比例上协调一致,从而让整个空间更加和谐。
In gourmet 67, the furniture components are minimized to the extreme, rather than as bulky as 19th-century Western furniture. The furniture here becomes the smallest building component, providing more spacious space around the furniture. The furniture is transparent, rather than bulky new building components. This allows for a lower and more transparent line of sight, easing the enclosed feeling of the small space during dining. The furniture, lighting, and tableware are coordinated in size and proportion, making the entire space more harmonious.
节制 Abstinence
当面对混乱状态的空间时,适当的调整可以有效建立秩序, 从而呈现出一种令人愉悦的节制之美。相比于利用新旧元素之间的紧张关系,形成强烈对比和冲突,或者类似舞台布景般的拼贴感,我更喜欢空间展现出一种自然和舒适的状态, 这可以让人感到轻松自在。
When facing a chaotic space, appropriate adjustments can effectively establish order, presenting a pleasant beauty of restraint. Compared to using the tense relationship between old and new elements to form strong contrasts and conflicts, or a collage-like stage set, I prefer spaces that exhibit a natural and comfortable state, which can make people feel relaxed and at ease.
▼场地原貌,Site photo
▼平面图1,plan 1
▼平面图2,plan 2
设计时间(起迄年月):2014 年10月
施工团队:陶智 . 智营造
摄影师:恽伟,Don Yap
Project name: gourmet 67
Project type: interior
Design: atelier zhang dawei + atelier about architecture
Design year: 2014
Completion Year: 2014
Leader designer & Team: zhang dawei, wang ni
Project location: Beijing Andinmen
Gross built area: 150㎡
Photo credit: 恽伟,Don Yap
Clients: gourmet 67