

N E I 以内设计
Interior cultural Concepts
We have been exploring the commercial space of interior architecture as well as the environment and materials.
To meet people’s growing unique design aesthetics.
2021 GRP 中意国际设计金指奖 全国优胜奖
2021IDG 国际空间设计大奖年度十大新锐设计师
2021 红棉中国设计奖 年度优秀极简空间设计
2021SIDW 上海国际设计周 新锐设计奖
2021 金案奖 GOLDCASE 全国优胜奖
2021IN-HOMEAward 金住奖中国百杰居住空间设计师
202040 UNDER40 中国设计杰出青年年度榜单
2019 中国住宅总评榜创意研发类年度优秀设计《日初》
2019 国际环艺创新设计住宅公寓空间类银奖《浮生如梦》
2019 江南 设计武林 50 榜年度入榜作品《阳光假日》
2018 江苏凤凰科学设计出版社《好想住日式风的家》
The golden Creativity Award International Space Design Competition has been successfully held for eight times and has received great attention and support from designers, design institutions and design art colleges all over the world. It has become one of the International Space Design Awards most concerned and recognized by the design industry at home and abroad. Every year, the participating designers cover dozens of countries and regions around the world, with thousands of participating designers and thousands of sets of participating works.
2021 年第九届金创意奖国际空间设计大赛将面向全球近百个国家和地区的设计师征集参赛作品,在法国、意大利、英国、美国、日本设立国际赛区,在中国设立 20 个国内赛区。本届金创意奖国际评审团将特别聘请来自意大利、法国、英国、美国、日本等国际设计行业组织机构的知名建筑室内设计专家和国际设计大奖的评审,国际著名设计院校专家学者大师组成国际专家顾问评审团。
In 2021, the 9th golden Creativity Award International Space Design Competition will solicit entries from designers from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world, set up international competition areas in France, Italy, Britain, the United States and Japan, and set up 20 domestic competition areas in China. This golden Creativity Award International evaluation panel will specially invite designers from Italy, France, Britain, the United States, and Japan, famous architectural interior design experts from international design industry organizations and international design awards, and experts, scholars and masters from international famous design colleges and universities to form an international expert consultant jury.
在此契机下,2021 年由意大利设计向中国(IID For China)与广州设计周携手推动的中意国际设计金指奖(The Golden Ring Prize, GRP)应运而生。
GRP 中意国际设计金指奖——中意杰出设计交流计划,由来自中意两国的权威设计组织领袖、资深设计专家组成评审委员会,每年度遴选中意两国在零售、住宅、办公、酒店设计等空间领域的杰出设计作品和新锐设计师。并且借助意大利设计向中国(IID For China)及广州设计周于全球的运营推广网络,在中意两国重要城市设立交流中心,举办全球化路演和系列化活动,推动两国设计、文化间交流的同时助力中意两国设计师在全球舞台上的融合共通。
Today, the world economy is facing transformation and upgrading. For the design industry, the design and cultural cooperation and exchange between China and Italy is particularly important. As a big country in design and innovation, Italy needs a broader consumer market, and China needs to promote the upgrading of production and consumption structure through design innovation. Under this opportunity, the golden ring prize (GRP) jointly promoted by IID for China and Guangzhou Design Week in 2021 came into being.
GRP Sino Italian international design gold index Award - Sino Italian outstanding design exchange program, composed of authoritative design organization leaders and senior design experts from China and Italy, selects outstanding design works and cutting-edge designers from China and Italy in the space fields of retail, residential, office and hotel design every year. With the help of the global operation and promotion network of Italian design to China (IID for China) and Guangzhou design week, exchange centers are set up in important cities of China and Italy to hold global roadshows and series of activities, promote the design and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and help the integration and common use of Chinese and Italian designers on the global stage.
2021GRP 中意国际设计金指奖颁奖典礼诚挚邀请
墨西哥驻广州总领事馆总领事 Cabrales Giralt、波捷特(北京)建筑设计顾问有限公司合伙人&董事经理 Massimo Bagnasco、意大利设计协会(IDA)创始成员 Danilo Trevisan、温州肯恩大学设计专业助理教授 Maurizio Vrenna、塞尔维亚杂志"ARHITEKTA" 主编&设计总监 Nikodijevic Jaksa、北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 Holger Briel、SKYnoa 董事&联合创始人 Alberto Sanchez、AIA 美国建筑师协会北京分会主席 Carlos Gomez、Orange Branding 创始人 Jorg van den Hoven、architects 项目总监 Daniel Uribedup、细细设计创始人洪苍蔚、aoe 事建组创始人/主创设计师温群、AFFD 设计事务所创始人高志强、KANGWEI DESIGN INC.(KDI 纽约康威设计事务所) 创始人马康威、陈方晓设计师事务所(CDI)创作总监陈方晓、香港时装设计师协会执行委员李国华、HBI 设计院(HBI ARCHITECTS)院长朱柏仰、广东思哲设计院有限公司 董事长/总设计师罗思敏、粤港澳大湾区青年总会副主席黄竞、著名珠宝设计师/艺术家钟华、亚太远卓(北京)项目管理咨询有限公司合伙人/执行总经理孙家峰、郡安里文旅副总裁俞廷、WEI 建筑与室内设计所设计总监魏士能、香港环亚联合设计创始人杨志伟等众多的行业翘首作为盛事的特邀嘉宾,共同祝贺来自中意两国的获奖设计师,并助力中意国际设计的交流与融合。
To be continued
N E I 以内设计
江阴市恒大御景 21 号毗陵东路 463 号 1106 室