环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN

2021/02/08 18:44:17
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-0
The universe is characterized by endless life and abundant power, but it is also regarded as strict order, perfect harmony as well.
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The interior design is derived from the architectural language. We build the future scenarios by the interdependent relationship between thinking and space of universe.
01 入未来之门
Entering The Door Of Future
As the tool of human evolution, Art serves as gateway between the past and the future.
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-11
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-12
Designer draws the embryo of the future door and entrance to the future world with simple and soft light.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-17
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-18
The blocks reflect minimalist aesthetics everywhere. With the ceaselessly extending light, the time tunnel seems to enhance the desire to explore the unknown world.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-23
02 观日暮银河 Enjoying The Sunset And Galaxy 以解构主义的方式层层重叠、交响辉映呈现放射的美感形态,蓄势待发。
Presenting a radiant aesthetic perception in the way of deconstruction, overlapping, shining and well-prepared.
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-26
这片日暮银河由 3800 个渐变茶色玻璃球体构成,其中最大直径达 4.5 米,五个尺径相当的球体分散排列,交织呈现虚幻的宇宙形态。
It consists of 3800 glass spheres with gradual tawny color, the largest of which is 4.5 meters in diameter. Five spheres with the same size are scattered and interwoven, presenting an unreal universal form.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-30
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-31
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-32
When approaching, people’s sense of existence is gradually reduced, and their vision and feeling will be impacted by a shock from the top to the bottom.
The combination of thousands of glass spheres, each of them shines with its own rule. They create interesting space scenery with the ground, paying tribute to the natural depth of the universe.
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-37
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-38
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-39
03 与光影共舞
Dancing With Light And Shadow
Not only presenting the function, design is also featured by philosophy and art aesthetics which are naturally infiltrated into the thinking of every viewer.
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The phenomenon of Mobius ring implies circulation and repetition, while the designer resets its concept and simulates it with an abstract method. Classical art forms respond to the endless reincarnation of the universe, exaggerate the space style and pay a tribute to the great philosophy.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-48
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-49
Mobius ring is surrounded by different shades of gray, and its focus is thrown into sharp relief by such calm tone.
The natural color transition shifts people’s vision to the outdoor natural scenery. It is this light and flexible way that creates a warm and pure negotiation place.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-59
04 遇平行时空
Encountering A Parallelspace-time
The time arrow makes a distinction between the past and the future, so time has direction.
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The cascade of space-time conveyer belt is a direction mark of space conversion. The upper and lower layers are connected through the subtle application of light source connects, leaving the coexistence of function and beauty of science and technology, and an interaction between human and art.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-70
05 浸叠影幻境 Immersing In The Dreamland Of Shadow
The transition of space is ups and downs and interlocking.
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All these hidden designs point to the deep universal, large and small, round and square, recirculating furniture arrangement and symmetrical structure, like the overlapping dreamland impacting people’s vision.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-78
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-79
Whether it is the meaning of the galaxy or the Mobius ring, these cyclic designs hide the unchanging core ideas, and all express the vision of the future world.
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-85
As a medium to convey information, the artistic installation with a light mood links the sensory emotions of each space, bringing out a sense of mystery and activity. 06.游星际历险 Traveling To The Space And Adventuring
This is a wonderful adventure about light and dream.
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In the age of materialistic, we can stay away from the noise and experience the ritual sense of space brought by the interweaving of light and dream. With the coming out of beautiful melody, the common life suddenly became brilliant.
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硬装设计:赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-111
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环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-116
环球融创未来城体验馆丨中国眉山丨赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN-117
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