

*本项目获得奖项:法国巴黎 NDA 城市规划与景观类金奖
The Project is located on Shennan Avenue, one of the busiest avenues of Shenzhen. The Light Gallery is designed to set a benchmark for the brand of Zhaoxin, which literately stands for Mega Prosperities. The main focus of the landscape design is to create an attractive corridor connecting Shennan Avenue and the Gallery.
Building on the existing narrow construction corridor is a huge challenge. We have to cooperate with the shops on east side, which cannot close for even one single day, reinforce the structure that will carry extra loading of aluminum panels, and re-apply the water proofing system to protect the new lighting system.
在有限的空间里,我们在入口设计了一个很高的长方盒子,朝深南大道探头出来。兆鑫的 LOGO 被设计成了图案,用激光雕刻在金色的波纹板上,形成了独特的立面元素。这个长方盒子成为纷繁的深南大道上一个引人入胜的城市装置。
We create a perforated and water corrugated façade as the gate way of the first passage – the Dim Corridor.
By wrapping the existing construction corridor with aluminum panels and lighting strips, the Dim Corridor becomes a time tunnel that brings the guests from the busiest avenue to the tranquil water courtyard.
While entering into the water courtyard, sun lights shine into the water ripples, through the diamond-shape screen and eventually reflects on the ceiling of the second passage – the Bright Corridor. With feature screen on one side and vertical planting on the other side, the Bright Corridor leads the guests to the gallery entrance. A feature contour-line chandelier demarcates the climax of the landscape journey.
设计结合自然、设计结合城市与基础设施。作为景观建筑师,在三维空间设计的基础上,我们经常使用第四维尺度——特别在这个项目上——光线和时间是最重要的元素。We are trying all our best to work with nature, urban environment and the complicated infrastructure. As landscape architect, we always consider our works more than ordinary 3-dimensional space design. There is always the 4th dimensional tool we are using, especially for this project, the light and time.
Project Name: Shenzhen Zhaoxin Light Gallery
Location: Luo Hu District, Shenzhen,China
Landscape Architect: LOCUS ASSOCIATES
Design Lead: Brandon Huang
Design Team: Ken Qiu, Xibei Wu, Yongxun Wu, Junming Huang, Qianqian Zhu
项目面积:1500 平方米
Landscape Area: 1500 sqm
项目造价:3000 人民币/平方米
Landscape Cost: 3000 RMB/ sqm
设计起止日期:2019 年 10 月-2020 年 3 月
Design Period: Oct 2019 – Mar 2020
完工时间:2020 年 8 月 Completion: Aug 2020 主要材料:水波纹金色镜面不锈钢,铝板,花岗石,亚克力
Main Materials: water corrugated S.S board, aluminum panel, granites, acrylic board
Client: Shenzhen Zhaoxin Real Estate Development Co., LTD
Client Project Team: Qing Huang, DaibinLiu, Yanqing Yan
Photographer: Lifeng Yu